Not today Flash

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Cindy gets to school, and the first thing that happens is people go up and start bombarding her with questions. She somehow get through the herd, and finds Peter. Cindy see he at his locker and go beside it to his right. Cindy just leans her head on his shoulder, and whispers I'm sorry to him. He accepts her apology, then she hears a voice that would destroy the peace

"Hey Parker" Flash says from across the hall. Cindy turns to him and see him start to walk over to the two spider teens. He looks, sorry.

"Not today Flash" Peter states clearly not in the mood for a beating. Shaking his head

"Hey come on man I just wanna talk" He says while patting Peter's back. But Peter reacts instantly, and grabs him. Spinning him around and lifting him up and against the locker on his left

"PETER" I yell at him

"WOW. Hey, I heard about your uncle, and I just wanna say, I'm sorry. Okay, I'm sorry" He says. Peter slowly starts bringing Flash down. Peter turns to Cindy

"Just go to class" He says


It's been a week and three days since I let the man who robbed the store kill Uncle Ben. Cindy would come around a lot which I liked. I liked the company, but I needed to see the man brought to justice. I had stumbled into a wrestling arena the night before and found a cool mask design that I liked. I made it and used it for about a week. I thought about my abilities of being a spider. I thought I should try the last thing I need. Spider webbing. I looked through some Oscorp YouTube videos and found something very interesting. Cindy was over when I started watching the video, and found it fascinating how I could find these videos. I started to look at web designs. I had to steel thousands of web pellets to last me long enough. It could last me about five years with how much I would be swinging around


Peter has been trying to make something to shoot the webs out so he can swing from it. The first attempt, nothing wouldn't come out. So he tapped it, it shocked him and he almost swore. The second attempt. the webs just looked like they exploded everywhere. The third attempt, it was a perfect strand

Peter and I went to the highest building that we could the next day, and we jumped off it. I shot a web to practice beforehand, and both me and Peter are fine, so it was a win win situation. We both dressed up, and stopped a couple of crooks. We were famous around New York. Peter would smile when people talked about his alter ego. He even made his own suit, which made him look so much hotter, and I thought that wasn't even possible anymore. We were just swinging by when someone looked very suspicious. Peter and I stuck to the wall behind the car that just pulled up. The man got in the car and me and Peter got in as well, without him noticing. Peter looked around and then fake coughed

"You know, in the future if your gonna steal cars, don't dress like a car thief" Peter says, the man turns around and sees him, then looks at me. I smile but he can't see that. I also wave at him

"What are you guys. Cops" The man asks

"Really. You seriously think we're cops" He says

"Cops in red, blue, and white skin tight suit. You know your. Haha, your- I get interrupted by Peter webbing the mans mouth and playing with him. Peter kept webbing the door closed but the man went out the window. We got out as well and Peter went behind him

"CROOOOTCH" Peter yells as he flips the guy over. I stay there, getting good comedy entertainment out of this. The man pulls out a knife

"Is that a knife. Is that a real knife" Peter says while starting to fall to the ground

"Yes it's a real knife, just let me go" The man says

"My weakness. Small knifes. ANYTHING BUT KNIFES" Peter yells as he webs the mans right hand to the wall. He plays around with the man for a little bit

"Stop it. It's not funny" The man says

"Ehh, it is kinds funny" I say to him as I jump down from the wall. Peter webs the mans mouth, and starts to look scarier. He rushes up to the man, and pulls up his left sleave

"Whew, this coulda gotten a lot worse" He says as a police officer comes

"OH, OH. BOYS IN BLUE HERE. I GOT HIM. IMEANWE GOT HIM" Peter yells to the officer. He pulls out a gun

"You two in the tights. who are you" He asks at point blank

"No one seems to grasp the concept of the mask" Peter says while turning towards me. I just shake my head with a deep sigh of disappointment. The officer fires but we dodge the bullets and I grab the gun

"Okay, we just did eighty percent of your job, and that's how you repay us, wow" I say as more officers come after us. We start to web away, but get a lot of traffic, Peter gets hit by a bus and lands on the road, while I just swing around him. He runs on top of a cab and starts webbing away with me close behind him. I can hear him yelling things and I think it's so hot

"HEY. WOOOOOOOOOOW. LETS GO. HEY WATCH OUT I'M SWINGIN HERE. I'M SWINGIN HERE" Peter yells clearly excited by all the adrenaline being in his veins. I look at him

"Where to now chief" I ask

"My place" He responds


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