Who are you

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Cindy liked going for walks. Sometimes she would walk anywhere her legs would take her. She likes it when her legs do the thinking. She was just walking, not knowing where she was going. She was really happy because her friend got with the hottest girl in school. But she did feel something else, something she had never felt before. Just as she was going to think deeper into it her senses started going off like crazy. She looked ahead and to her left, and was facing the bridge (She's at the place in TASM2 where Gwen hops out of the cab and sees Peters message before her Oxford flight). Cindy didn't know why, but she had a gut feeling about the place. How she wished she had her suit. Just as she thought that, her webs spat out of her fingers and covered her body, it looked exactly like her suit that Peter had made for her

"That's handy" She commented to herself, hoping that nobody saw that. She then jumped up and swung to the bridge. As she was swinging, she saw a car catch on fire, multiple cars were hanging over the edge though. She saw Peter holding the car the was on fire, with his mask off, so she went over them them, and hung off the bridge

"JACK. CLIMB. NOW" Peter yelled while holding the rear bumper of the car so that he could help the boy

"I can't" Jack said Frantically, and he was scared. Cindy couldn't help but feel sorry for the boy

"YES YOU CAN. Ahh. THE MASK, Put it on. It's gonna make you strong. Okay. Jack, trust me. Put it on" Peter says in a calming voice. It sounded hopeful, like he felt happy about trying to save someone's life. Jack then put on the mask

"That's it kiddo, come on Jack. You can do it. Climb" Cindy said to him, hoping that it would help encourage the boys spirits. It worked. The boy felt powerful and he was able to climb to the back of the car. The bumper was slipping though

But they weren't fast enough to grab him. They realised as the car broke off and the boy started falling and screaming. Peter was though, and he shot a web at the boys chest. It attached itself, and the boy got out of the falling car, and grabbed onto the web. They then got Jack back onto the bridge, and his father just hugged him and kept saying you saved my boy. Over and over again. Cindy looked to Peter and felt sorry for him. He had nothing but his aunt and two friends. He never really knew his parents, never had any other family of any kind, and now he only had his aunt. May Parker. The dad then turns to them and looks at Peter

"Who are you" He asks Pete, Peter lowers his head, as in thought 'God I wanna ride hi- Nooo. Uhh. FUCKING SPIDER INSTICT' Cindy thinks to herself. Then Peter looks as if he made his mind

"Spider-Man" Peter says 'Pretty good name' Cindy thought

"And she's Silk" Peter points to me 'Silk. I like it' She thought again

"Thank you. Both of you. I owe you everything" He says. Then the two spiders head out into the night


I was just eating breakfast with May doing some chores for god knows what at this point. I saw the news with Gwen's dad

"At approximately nine pm last night an incident took place on the Williamsburg bridge. Much of what's occurred is merely speculation at this point. However, several eye witnesses to the crime as well as our own preliminary findings have positively placed, one individual at the scene. Which is why this morning, I am issuing an arrest warrant, for the masked vigilantes, known, as Spider-Man and the female, Silk" WHAT THE FUCK. I SAVE A KID AND THEN IT ALL TURNS INTO ME BEING THE BAD GUY. WHY. I'm just trying to help. I'm doing what the police can't.


Me and Peter have targets on our backs now. Yay, fun. We talk to Gwen now, she knows that Peter is Spider-Man, and that I'm Silk (Peter and Gwen didn't get together. Comment if you want me to add in how) We were at Peter's locker when we heard people screaming and there was smashing in the distance. Kids were running around the corner and then we see a lizard looking thing, and it stares right at us. It starts walking towards us, and Peter runs at it. He slides on the floor as it throws its arm to catch him, and Peter webs his foot and pulls it to the ground. He jumps up on it's back and throws a punch, but the lizard man grabs his arm and pulls him over it's back. It rips his back off him and grabs at him, throwing him into some lockers, then into a wall. I decide to web his hand up, but he grabs the webbing I shoot and pulls me towards him. He then backhands me and throws me through the wall as well. He jumps onto Peter's right hand and my left. And he swipes at Peter

"Nowhere for you to hide Peter and Si- Cindy, you to" He growls. Peter grabs onto his leg and see's his bag. I use my webbing and concentrate with all my might, begging for it to work, and my webs cover me and turn into my suit. As that's happening, I see Peter web his bag towards himself, and we get thrown into a wall

"ALL THESE SOULS, LOST AND ALONE, I CAN SAVE THEM. I CAN CURE THEM. There's no need to stop me Peter" He says as Peter throws a shoe at him 'Huh, can see better in the dark as well Cindy. Another thing that spiders can do' I think to myself. Peter jumps onto the chemistry table, and webs two lights above. He then pulls them towards us, and I go over Peter, landing on my hands, The impact of the lights hitting The Lizard is enough for me to jump up with my hands, and kick him, landing on my feet. Peter and me stick to the roof, and Peter jumps down, webbing his hand in front of Lizards throat. Peter starts to look like someone riding a mechanical bull. And I follow them out of the classroom

"Wooow, look at me go. OH YEAH, NEW HIGH SCORE" Peter yells. I laugh at his childish behaviour

"YOUR NOT THINKIN STRAIGHT DOC. THIS ISN'T YOU" Peter yells as he jumps onto the roof after getting back slammed into a locker again. Lizard goes after him, and I follow close behind. Trying to web his feet to the roof. Peter grabs onto Lizards leg, and gets flung into one of the hallway bridges. I go after him, and he just lays there for a second

"Gross" Peter says as he throws away the Lizard's tail that came off. Lizard grabs Peter by the face, and slams him into the window. He kicks me at the door, and Gwen comes out of nowhere, and hits him on the head with a trophy. The Lizard turns to her in disbelief

"Gwen" He growls, going to attack her. But Peter webs his hands and Feet to his body while crawling around him, and webbing more parts of his body together. Peter grabs the trophy from Gwen, and throws it at the window he was slammed into, smashing it. He then webs Gwen over to him and holds her

"I'm gonna throw you out the window now" He whispers

"What" Is all she can say until she is thrown out the window and then is hanging off it. We then hear sirens going off

"UH OH. Somebody's bin a bad Lizard" Peter says while getting into a fighting stance. We battle into the library, and a chair almost hits someone, Peter webs it and sends it at The Lizard, it hits him but Peter and me get thrown into a book shelve. When I look up, Lizard has disappeared. We go to where he first appeared, the boys bathroom, we check in there and find a giant hole in one of the cubicles. We decide to go down. W find his lair and find out he's going to use a cloud of Lizard gas to cover the city and have an army to help him turn everyone into Lizard's. We go back up to the surface and tell Gwen to get out of Oscorp but she doesn't listen. We go and try webbing over as fast as possible

"Stand down now, or we will open fire. You are surrounded, there is no escape" Gwen's dad yells through a megaphone. Peter doesn't stop so neither do I. We see taser pellets start to get close to us, so I knew the officers started to fire at us. We dodge them all and turn a corner to get a direct path to Oscorp. But a chopper gets a bright light in our eyes and we get hit by a pellet each. I see Peter land on his stomach and I land on something. But everything blacks out when I feel my back get hit by something

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2022 ⏰

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