Mornin Flash

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As Peter was putting up new pictures that he'd taken from the school carnival, he felt something hit his head. He rubbed the side and looked to see Flash laughing and pretending to be sorry

"Mornin Flash" Peter said as Flash started to walk past him. Flash stopped and then ran at Peter. Peter flinched as Flash stopped and made a loud stepping noise with his foot

"Good Morning Parker" He said while chuckling with his friends and he left. Peter started to walk to his locker but a girl stopped him

"Hey, it's. Peter, right" She asked. Peter looked at her and took his headphones out. Peter nodded his head to her question

"I really like your photos" She says

"Oh, thanks" Peter says thinking that she was cute

"Are you free Friday night" She asks and he mentally high fives himself

"Uhh" He could t quite get the words out but he managed to get I'll check out somehow

"Great. Could you take some pictures of my boyfriends car. I really wanna get a good framed one for his birthday" She said

"Yeah sure. I'll see if I can" He said mentally smacking himself in the forehead. Finally getting to his locker hallway he bumps into someone

"Oh, sorry" He says as he starts helping her pick up her books and papers. Handing her things to her he then turns to face his locker and groans loudly

"What" She asks. He points to the two people making out and she puts two and two together

"Oh. Yeah good luck with that" She says

"Thanks. I can't wait to get out of this stupid school" He says

"We'll. I'm new here so I don't know if it's good or not" She says

"We'll. Look out for a kid named Eugene. He goes by the name Flash" Peter says

"Thanks. I should um. Go, now" She says awkwardly

"Yeah sure. Bye" He says and starts walking off. He gets his things from his locker (with massive struggle) and heads outside. All he can do is stare at the beautiful Gwen Stacey. But she didn't look as beautiful as she used to. He just thought he it was bad lighting. He then saw some teens piling up around something, so Peter went and checked it out. He found Flash bullying a kid by hanging him upside down, forcing the food onto his mouth. Yelling at him to eat it. He also saw the girl from before looking at Flash in disgust. Flash saw Peter and yelled to him

"Yo Parker. Take a picture" Flash yelled. Peter started shaking his head

"No I'm not gonna take a picture, put him down Flash" Peter said

"TAKE THE PICTURE PARKER" Flash yelled again, but Peter still refused and shook his head

"PUT HIM DOWN EUGENE" Peter yelled. That did it, Peter thought to himself. Flash dropped the kid and Peter started walking towards him

"Hey are you okay man" Peter said quietly but was interrupted by Flash punching him in the face. Peter dropped to the ground, and Flash kicked him in the stomach. He kept kicking Peter and Peter could barely say a word

"Still not taking the picture" Peter groaned

"STAY DOWN PARKER" Flash yelled, and raised his leg to kick Peter again, but Gwen stepped in front of Flash

"Flash, we still on for my house. Three thirty. I hope you've been doing your homework, last time was. Very disappointing" Gwen said with a smile. Everyone started to clear out and Pe r went to class and sat down

"I thought that was very great of you" Someone said to Peter. He looked up to find Gwen Stacey looking at him

"It was stupid. But it was great. You might wanna go to the nurse, you might have a concussion" She said to him in a whisper

"What's your name" She asks

"You don't know my name" Peter says in a disappointing tone

"No, I know you name I just wanna know if you know your name" Gwen says with a smug smile

"Peter. Parker" He finishes

"You should still go to the nurse though" Gwen says

"Your Gwen right" He asks sarcastically

"Gwen Stacey" She confirms. Just as she says that the class shuts up. The teacher comes in and then a new person comes in

"Everyone I would like you to meet the newest member of our school and this class. Cindy Moon. I know you'll make her feel very welcome won't you class" He says. He tells Cindy to sit at the back next to Peter and she sits with him

"Hey again" She says

"Hey. Sorry again, about earlier" Peter apologises about the books and the papers from when they bumped into each other

"I saw what you did. Standing up for that kid earlier" Cindy says

"That was very brave of you" She continues

"Yeah, if only I had that amount of confidence with girls that I like" Peter jokes. But he can't escape her beautiful chocolate brown eyes. Knowing that he might start staring for to long, he stops. Once he gets home he and Ben go to the Basement for the water leek. Peter moves the washing machine, and finds a briefcase. He grabs it and it has his father's initials on the lock. He goes back to his room and starts looking inside it. Finding nothing but his fathers glasses. Cindy on the other hand goes home. And talks with her mother about what happened on her first day at midtown. Her mother froze when her daughter mentions the last name Parker. Cindy's mother explained about what happened we with the Parkers and it made Cindy upset. She went to bed only thinking about one thing. Poor Peter Parker



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