4 - Mixed Up

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Rosé POV

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Rosé POV

After a long week of college, the story of my sudden romance with Jennie was the biggest gossip around the school. Jennie and I grew more into our roles every day and acted like the most in love couple this college had ever seen. It was funny to see how Jennie changed into this cute adorable person, when she was acting like my 'girlfriend'.

I mean, I already know that Jennie is a lot cuter than she shows most people, but lately there was something different about the way she looked at me. Clearly she's just a really good actress.

Even though my relationship with Jennie was known around the whole college now, I still haven't heard anything from Suzy. I don't know if she even cares, but I'm not giving up yet.

Jennie did get a text from Irene though, but she wouldn't tell me what it said. I know Jennie doesn't talk about feelings, so I wasn't surprised about it. But I just wanted to know if the text from Irene at least confirmed a little that this fake relationship was making them jealous.

I think I miss being around Suzy, but I don't even know why. Maybe I just miss someone to cuddle with or the way she acted like a badass. She's kind of like Jennie, only a little more blunt. Jennie behaves the same way like Suzy around others, except with me.

She's always a lot more thoughtful and more patient around me. She was probably like that with Irene too, but I don't know enough about their relationship to make a judgment about that. I do know that when Irene showed up late again, Jennie didn't snap at her and didn't even get mad. She always came home and told all her frustrations from the night to me. Sometimes I don't understand why Jennie was with Irene, because she complained more about her than that she said nice things.

Most of the time when Irene came over, they barely hung out in the living room with me. I didn't mind that, because there's something shady about Irene and I don't really feel the need to become friends with her. I can't blame Jennie for not wanting to be friends with Suzy too, but it would've been nice if we all got along.

I guess it doesn't matter anymore since we're both single, but I hope the plan will work eventually. Maybe we just have to step it up some more at the club tomorrow. I hope Suzy is there too though, otherwise I have to come up with something else.

Suddenly, the bell rang for my last class and I looked up to see other students packing up and leaving the lecture auditorium.

''Finally'' Jisoo sighed who was sitting next to me ''I thought he was never going to end that story.''

I frowned and realized I hadn't heard anything that the teacher just said. Sometimes I get a little lost with my thoughts.

''I know. He always talks with a boring voice.'' I said and shrugged my shoulders.

''He does'' Jisoo sighed ''So are you and Jennie going to the mall to get some dresses for tomorrow?'' She smirked.

''Yeah, do you want to come with us?'' I asked excitedly, while I was putting my books in my bag.

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