Chapter 9

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I slowly opened my eyes and looked around the bright, white room. Where was I? I took in more of my surroundings and found out that I was in a hospital. Why was I here? How did I get here? I had tons of questions. I looked to my right and noticed my dad sitting a chair, looking like he was praying. Why is he praying?

"Dad?" I ask, my voice a bit dry. He stopped what he was doing and I noticed that he had red, puffy eyes.

"M-Michael? Thank God! I thought I lost you!" he says, his voice cracking. He gets out of his chair and walks quickly towards me, hugging me ever so tightly.

"What do you mean?" I ask, and he sniffles.

"Well, it's a long story." he says, pulling away from me.

"I've got time." I say, and he nods and pulls a chair closer to the bed.

"Wait, before you start, can you get me some water? My throat hurts." I say, and he grabs a plastic cup and fills it with some water from the sink. He hands me the water and I thank him and I take a big sip. He sits down in the chair and sighs.

"Well I was at work when I got a call from Ashton, saying that you took too many pills and that you were bleeding a lot. When I got that call, I broke down, in front of everybody at work. I was so sad Michael. I thought you were going to die. I didn't want to loose you. I love you. Your all that I have left... Anyways after the call, I left work and drove to the hospital as fast as I could. When I got there Ashton was already in the waiting room, crying. He said that the doctors took you to go get your stomach pumped and to stitch up your cuts. About six hours later a doctor said that they got everything out of your system and took care of all your cuts. He also said that you were sleeping, but there was a possibility that you might not wake up... When I heard that I ran out of the hospital, into the parking lot, and just cried. Knowing that there was a possibility that you wouldn't wake up killed me... I decided that if you were going to die, I was going to go with you... What was the point of living if I didn't have you anymore? I wouldn't have you or Karen... So I've been coming here everyday, sitting in this chair, praying for you to wake up... And you did, and now I feel like the happiest guy on earth... I love you so much Michael..." he said, and wipes some tears from his face and held onto me. And I wiped some tears off of my face too. I hated hearing my dad sound so depressed. It was horrible, and I never want to hear it again.

"I-I love you too d-dad. I'm s-so sorry..."I sob, and pull him into a hug.

"You have no reason to be sorry son." he said.

"Yeah, I do. I made you so upset. I didn't mean to make you sad.. I just thought that I didn't want to live anymore... but I really do. I really do!" I say.

"I'm just so glad that you woke up." he says.

"So.. how uh- long have I been asleep?" I ask.

"About three days." he says.

"I'm gonna go get a doctor, and tell him that you woke up." he says, and I nod. He quickly left the room, and I just stared up at the ceiling, thinking about everything that just happened.


I was finally back home, and I now just realized how much I love this place. I loved being here, I felt safe here. It's my favorite place to be. I smiled as I walked to my room, and when I walked into my room it was clean. My dad must have cleaned it while I was in the hospital. I saw my phone charging and I picked it up to see if I had any notifications.

Five texts from Calum

Calum? Why was he texting me? He hasn't talked to me for over a week. I clicked on his messages, and read them.

Hi Michael, Ashton told me what happened... I'm so sorry... I wish I could be there with you....

Are you there?

Mikey please answer... I'm sorry...


I read the last text, and my eyes widened.

I love you

Calum loves me?


Hey guys! How are you? I'm tired af.

So I'm gonna start to do like the question of the day thing. Idk I think it will be fun. I want you guys to answer them! Don't be so lazy!


What has been your favorite chapter so far, and why?

Anyways, bye guys! Have a great day! :)

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