Chapter 1

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I was currently laying down on my bed on Instagram with Green Day playing loudly through my black speakers. I giggled at my friends instagram post anout penguins. He sure does love his penguins.

All of a sudden I saw a picture of my old friend Ashton, and some guy with purple hair, more like a lilac. Ashton and I used to be very close friends until he moved to Melbourne. We lost touch after that, but we still text each other once in a while.

In the picture Ashton has his arm around the purple haired guys shoulder, and their both grinning widely. I smiled at Ashton. I really missed him. I then stared at the purple haired guys face features. Eyebrow piercing, blue/green eyes, and very pale. He is actually pretty attractive.

I read the comment thay Ashton had put,

Had an awesome day with my good friend Mikey!

I'm guessing Mikey is short for Michael. I noticed that Ashton had tagged him, and I immediately clicked on his username. He wasn't private which was good. I looked through his pictures and most of them were just him and pizza. I'm guessing that he really likes pizza.

I quickly followed him, and sent him a dm.

A/N: Calum is bold and Michael is italics.


He didn't answer right away which was okay. So in the meantime I rocked out to Green Day, and I pretended that my hairbrush was a microphone. I do that a lot. Don't judge me. After a while he finally answered me back with a simple,


I immediately answered back.

"I'm Calum."

He answered back quicker than he did before.

"Michael. So...uh...what do you want?"

"I found your account and you seem pretty cool. I just Want to be friends."

"Ok, text me instead of this. It's 871-442-6252."

A/N: I just put random numbers so I don't know if that actually works.


I exited the instagram app, and opened up my messaging app. I quickly added him as a contact, and sent him a text.

"Hey, it's Calum."

He answered immediately back.

"Hey. So how old are you?"

"16. My birthday is soon though. So I'll be 17."

"I'm 17."

"Where do you live?"

"Melbourne, Australia. You?"

"Sydney, Australia."

"Wow, we're not that far from each other."


"So...uh...what do you look like?"

He wants a picture? Oh god. What if he thinks I'm ugly? What is he thinks I look weird? What if he thinks that I'm Asian? I quickly cleaned myself up, and found some good lighting, and took a picture.

"New picture message."
A/N: The picture of Cal is the one thaf he sent.

"Damn boy! Your cute!"

I blush at his text, and I bite my lip, and respond.

"Thanks. I already know what you look like from instagram, and I have to admit that your pretty hot."

"I know I am. Hey, I gotta go. I liked talking to you. You seem like a pretty cool dude."

"Thanks, and bye."

He didn't respond after that, so I just decided to get ready for bed, since I have school tomorrow. I can't wait to learn more about Michael! He's really cool, and just your typical teenager. I layed down in my bed, and fell asleep, thinking of Michael.

I Met Him Online // MalumWhere stories live. Discover now