25 - FIGHT

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Wrapping his knuckles in gauze, Yusei let out a sigh as he sat in the waiting room. It was in the middle of the night, by the clock on the wall it was 2:17am. He had snuck out of his house at around midnight, and it took him about 45 minutes to get where he was going, and another 20 to get past screenings.

"What's a high school student doing here?" A male asked, crossing his arms as he checked the ID.

"Like there's more than one thing going on here." He retorted, and as he glanced back up at the boy, he could see that he was the real deal. Before he could respond, someone jogged up to them.

"Oh hey, Udai! It's been a while since you were here." A male grinned, to which he smirked back.

"Yeah sorry, I would have come back sooner but I had too much school stuff going on."

"Ha! Downside of staying in school, I guess." He snickered. Seeing as they were done conversing, the guard nodded him through, handing the ID back as he went through.

"Next up! He may look like just a high school student who stumbled into the wrong side of town, but we only accept legit fighters! Introducing the pride of hell, the demon king as he is known to many, Yusei Udai!" The annoucer yelled, the crowd going wild as he stepped on stage.

Sporting a muscle tank and basketball shorts, he didn't look like much of a threat as he stood in the ring.

"Verses, the impenetrable wall, Mo Qian!" A bulky man stepped into the ring, raising his hand as he scanned the audience. Yusei almost risked an eyeroll.

"Now as you all know, anything goes as long as it's not going for the down and dirty, or using weapons! On your mark, get ready~" The crowd went deathly silent as the two underground fighters got into position, awaiting the word. "GO!"

Yusei wasted no time in running at him, and just as he thought he was going for the face punch and raised his hands to defend, he slipped between his legs. "Awesome opening play!"

Flipping up, Yusei used Mo's back as the ground, which forced him down. Pinning his shoulders under his feet, he smirked as the countdown went. "Aaaaand the demon king takes the match! What an amazing turnout!"

"Demon king!!! We love you!!!" A few girls in the crowd cried and because Yusei was feeling cocky, he blew them a kiss which made them start fangirling even more.

"No worries though! The loser will be paid 10 thousand compensation!" The announcer reminded as Mo Qian was moved out of the ring. "But the winner will be given anywhere between fifty to one hundred thousand!"

"Let's hear it for demon king Udai!" The manager in the underground shouted, and the crowd blew up in cheers as Yusei walked back into where he had exited.

"Well done, well done Udai!" The manager of the whole thing applauded as the ace closed the door. "You've definitely earned this." He handed over a wad of money, which totaled to 70 thousand.

"Thanks." Yusei said, nodded to him. "Do I have to stay for another round?"

"You don't have to, but I'd like you to." He smiled, so Yusei agreed because why not get some extra cash.

He won his next two matches, which meant he was headed back home at 5:30am with over 200 thousand in cash. On his walk back, he picked up on someone following him. Stepping into an alleyway, he waited for the person to appear.

"Hello Udai."

"Well hello there. May I inquire as to why you've been following me?" Yusei asked, his bag draped over his shoulder. There were two men standing in front of him, one of them cracking their knuckles.

"I heard you beat up one of my men."

"Oh, did I? I don't recall." He shrugged, "but no one ever remembers every bug they've squashed."

"Cocky motherfucker, you're gonna wish you were never born when we're done with you." The leader growled. Yusei felt his face twist into a dark smirk, his silver eyes illuminating with his sadistic plans in store.

"Yeah?" He said, and then threw his bag up. It caught their attention for a split second, which was more than enough time for Yusei to cross the space between them and shove the leader into his goon. Falling on the ground in a helpless heap, the two were practically paralyzed as Yusei started throwing punches.

"What was it you said? Who was gonna regret being born?" He grinned, slamming his elbow into one of their noses which caused the person to yell out in pain.

"Stupid humans, thinking you can mess with the demon king and get away with it." The moon shone behind him, making Yusei appear all the more dangerous as he stood up from the unconscious men. "What a shame, you got blood on my shirt." he frowned, "I liked this shirt too."

With those words lingering in the air, Yusei sauntered out of the alley and continued on his way home. Crawlimg back in through his window, Yusei let out a sigh as he collapsed on his bed.

It was a school night, and by his alarm clock on hisnnightstand, it was 6:24am. That gave him exactly sixteen minutes to get ready and out the door.

Somehow managing, Yusei slipped out the door with a bagel in his mouth, backpack on his shoulder, and no sign that he had been up all night. "Good morning Yusei-kun." Nishioka greeted, standing in front of his house. Yusei nodded to him.

"Morning, how're you?" He asked politely. The walk to school was nice and calm, the two talking happily.

"By the way Yusei-kun, last night I was studying around 12:15 and I noticed someone walking by my house that looked an awful lot like you." Nishioka spoke, but Yusei didn't give anything away as he glanced at him and raised an eyebrow.

"Really? That's weird. I could have sworn I left at midnight exactly." He said with a straight face, then smirked as he gave him an annoyed look.

"Dude what the hell were you up to that late?" Nishioka demanded. The only response he got was a wink as Yusei jogged into the gym.

𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚌𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚊𝚗𝚝 [𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘴 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯]Where stories live. Discover now