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Inter High came quickly, quicker than anyone at Anaguma wanted. The bus ride over to the hotel was agonizingly silent, when Kanai tried to put on music he was kindly asked to turn it off.

Yusei was sitting alone for once at his request, curled up at the back of the bus with his headphones in and looking out the window. He was thinking mostly, his face blank and void of emotion.

Everyone else was sitting in pairs, no one even making a sound as they went. They were also deep in thought.

Yusei's parents had sold their house a few days ago, and had already moved into the new apartment they had gotten. However, they were staying at a hotel near the venue so that once Inter high was over, they could immediately take Yusei with them to Miyagi.

Yusei had been staying with Ozaki, as had the rest of the team so it wasn't that much of a hassle.

The fact that as soon as they lost, their demon king would be ripped away from them made them refuse to lose. Nishioka's hands squeezed into fists at the thought of them losing the first game. He wouldn't let that happen.

They were going to win Inter High. That's all there was to it.

"You just need to get two rooms, coach." Nishioka had told him when Kanai was making reservations. "Yours and one with a kings bed. We all want to be with Yusei for the time we have left."

So when they got to the hotel, the team headed up to their room after waving at Tsubakihara and promising to have dinner with them later. "So we're all taking the bed?" Yusei raised an eyebrow, it didn't seem doable.

However with this team, they could probably manage. But getting a good night sleep was another matter.

"Nah, there are a few futons if needed." Nishioka explained, pulling them out from under the bed.

"Pfft, screw futons." Kataoka scoffed. Yusei's lips pulled up, he really had come a long way since he had first met him.

"Let's set our stuff down and get ready to go out with Tsubakihara for dinner."

"I call first." Yusei said monotonously.

"Go for it! Can't wait to see how well dad cleans up." Jiga smirked at him, so he slapped him upside the head as he went towards the bathroom.

"It's not cool to crush on your dad, son."

"W-WHAT?! HEY GET BACK HERE-" Jiga went to chase after him but got the bathroom door slammed in his face. Growling in frustration, he stomped towards the bed and face planted.

"Haha, shoulda seen that coming huh?" Akagi snickered, then dodged the shoe that flew towards his face. "Hey! Mean!"

"He is the demon prince."

"Eh, true."

"Alright, whoever wants bathroom next can have it." Yusei said, stepping out of said room. The boys paused.


"It's called genetics, thank my parents." Yusei explained, a smirk on his face as Yakoya groaned.

"You're an attention hog." Ozaki grumbled, heading for the bathroom.

"For real, getting both gender's attention, it's unfair!" Yakoya agreed. Yusei glanced around for Akagi, as he knew he would be complaining as well, only to see him with Miyake in his lap. Oh I see... He smirked darkly, I'll leave them be for now...

After a few hours, everyone was ready and so the team headed out. "Took ya long enough." Tsubakihara was waiting in the lobby, looking annoyed and bored.

"Not our fault it takes time for us to get ready." Kataoka retorted.

"Are we going or what?" Jiga asked, putting Tsubakihara's annoyed aura to shame.

"Stop terrorizing our ally, Jiga-kun." Coach Kanai said, walking out of the elevator. "Apologies for him."

"It's no problem." The Tsubakihara coach shook his head. "Let's get going, shall we?" With that said, the teams made their way to the restaurant where their coaches had made reservations.

"Oh my gawd, it's Udai-san!"


"UDAI-SAN!" A few girls stopped and squealed as they saw Yusei, who stopped at the sound of his name.

"Hello ladies, is there something I can help you with?" He asked them, turning as they stopped in front of him. Kataoka and Nishioka sighed, what a ladies man.

"We're huge fans! Can we get a picture please?" One of the girls explained. Pausing, Yusei pursed his lips before deciding there was no harm in it.

"Sure, but let's make it quick alright?"

"Of course!" So the three girls crowded around him, then glanced at one of the other boys. "Mind taking the picture for us please?"

"Yeah Yasa-kun, take a pic for us~" Yusei smirked at Kataoka, who was bristling but gave in and took the phone. After taking the photo, Yusei waved the girls off.

"You are such a pain." Nishi grumbled while rubbing his temple. Yusei just shrugged.

"Not my fault I'm so utterly attractive."

"It is if you flaunt it jackass." Akagi went to kick him, but he dodged with a laugh.

"Come on, stop being immature." Kanai yelled back at them. "We'll leave you behind!"

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me Udai-kun."


"Good luck today." Nishi smiled at Echigo, who nodded back.

"You as well." He returned before the two teams went their seperate ways. Anaguma was playing a random team they hadn't played before for their first game, and to say they were excited was an understatement.

"Can't wait to see how good they are! Wonder if they'll be a challenge."

"Yeah, it'll be interesting."

"Hey hey hey! What's up Anaguma?" A familiar voice hollered in the waiting space. Bokuto and Akaashi emerged from the crowd, one grinning widely while the other seemed to just be rbf.

"What's up with you Koutarou-kun?" Yusei smirked, "Sup Keiji."

"Udai-san." Akaashi nodded, his face remaining blank except that his lips tilted up ever so slightly.

"We're beating your asses! Make sure you win the first two rounds so we can play." Bokuto challenged.

"Right back at you, ya motherfucker." Yusei returned, his hands behind his head in the usual pose. As Bokuto started talking to some of the other players he knew, Yusei nudged Akaashi before he left to follow. "Can we talk later?"

"Oh, uh, sure." Akaashi nodded, confusion dripping off his voice. "When is your match?"


"Ours is right before that, so that works." Akaashi said, squeezing his hand with a slight smile. When he had grasped his hand, Yusei didn't know, but what he did know was that he didn't mind.

"See you then."

"Yeah. Good luck today." He told him before going off to join Bokuto and the rest of their team as it was almost time to start.

"Looks like you were right all along," the ace muttered as he watched him go. "Keiji..."

𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚌𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚊𝚗𝚝 [𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘴 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯]Where stories live. Discover now