27 - NEWS

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"First years, gather up." Yusei called, standing with Kataoka and Akagi behind him slightly. Sorey, Mikleo and Jiga jogged over, the first two looking confused while Jiga huffed.

"What're you doing?" Nishioka whispered to Yusei as he and the other third years joined them.

"They don't know about the gender thing." He whispered back, making Nishi's eyes widen. Nodding a second later, he stepped back to allow Yusei to explain freely. "Sorry I forgot to tell you guys, but I'm actually a trans man."

"Oh, everyone already knows that?" Mikleo raised an eyebrow. Yusei reflected his look. "I already knew as well. Noticed the first day, but I wasn't sure if I should say anything since it's really none of my business."

"He told me!" Sorey raised his hand, smiling. "I'm glad you trust us enough to tell us! We won't betray that trust!"

"Thanks Sorey-kun." Yusei snickered, and then practice resumed.

The next few weeks were spent training and getting ready for inter high at Anaguma. With Yusei, it was spent packing, which is why he didn't let anyone come over at all during that time.

The team did find it kind of odd, but decided not to ask questions.

"Got the top spot again, aye Yusei-kun?" Nishi smiled, patting him on the back. He only shrugged, his hands behind his head.

"Of course. I'm just that smart~" he smirked. The others compared their grades, this time all of the third years were in the top ten instead of top six. "Slackers."

"Shut up smartass." Ozaki went to punch h but he dodged easily with a snicker. Lunch was loud and rowdy, as was practice. It was a weird practice because they were just goofing off the entire time, and for some reason Kanai went with it.

Once he got home after practice, Yusei decided he had procrastinated long enough and took out his phone, looking up a number and calling it. "This is Washijo." The old man answered, sitting at his desk.

"Hello coach Washijo-san, this is Yusei Udai." He replied, sitting on his bed and crossing his ankles.

"And what exactly are you calling about? I'm sure you have Tendou's number so you shouldn't be calling to talk to him or Ushijima."

"You're right, I'm not calling to talk with either of them, I'm calling to talk to you."

"What do we have to talk about? It's almost inter high, I'm busy."

"Well maybe you'll be less busy if I tell you that I'm moving to Miyagi and am interested in joining your team." Yusei posed, making Washijo scoff.

"You think I'd let someone as short as you play for me, you're greatly mistaken."

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Just because I'm short? You do realize-"

"Nothing you say will change my mind. Feel free to come to Shiratorizawa, but I won't accept you on my team."

"...fine, your loss." Yusei sighed, "See you at Inter high."

"Bye." Washijo hung up, grumbling something about stupid kids as he got back to work.

Looks like we're going with my second choice school, Yusei thought to himself as he dialed the other number. They picked up on the second ring. "Hello, this is Nobuteru Irihata, how may I help you?"

"Hey Coach Irihata-san, this is Yusei Udai." He said, and on the other end, the coach straightened rather quickly.

"Ah, Udai-kun, it's nice to hear from you. Is there something I can help you with?" Nobuteru asked, and the ace's next words stunned him.

"I'm moving to Miyagi and I was hoping to be able to play for you?" He explained, glancing down at his nails.

"W-wha-yes of course! I'd be glad to have you here!" He stammered, gesturing to Mizoguchi to come over as he put Yusei on speaker. "When will you be moving here?"

"At the end of the trimester, after inter high is done." Yusei said, smiling as he imagined what was going to happen once he joined their team.

"Oh that must be rough for you, in the middle of the school year." Nobuteru frowned, "We'll try to make it as smooth as possible for you here."

"Thank you, coach Irihata-san. I'll start on my application to Aoba Johsai, I just wanted to make sure you wanted me before applying."

"Of course, let me know if you have any questions or need any help." Nobuteru smiled, and after thanking him, Yusei ended the call.

"You're gonna regret rejecting me, Washijo." He smirked darkly as he stuffed his phone into his pocket and then looked out the window. "Just you wait."


"Can I have a minute guys?" Yusei asked, and for the first time since they all had met him, the Anaguma witnessed Yusei figetting nervously.

"Oh shit, this must be serious." Akagi muttered, Miyake nodding in agreement as everyone sat down in a circle. Coach Kanai knew what was going on, he has been debriefed by the school and Yusei when he had confronted him.

"I have some news, and no one here is going to like it." He said, taking a deep breath. Nishioka grabbed his hand and squeezed, giving the ace an encouraging smile.

"No matter what it is, you can tell us." Kataoka told him sincerely as Yusei squeezed Nishioka's hand back. Nodding, he gave them all a sad smile.

"I'm..moving after inter high." he said, "to Miyagi." The gym sat in silence at this revelation, the gravity of his words sinking all of the players hearts.

"Y-you're leaving us?" Kataoka said, his voice cracking. Yusei never felt bad for anything, but at that moment when he looked around at his teammates, Yusei felt like his heart was breaking as they looked at him with such despair.

"That just means I get to beat your ass in a game then." Jiga suddenly grinned, causing everyone's eyes to fall on him. "I'll prove that I'm better than you once and for all, and I can finally take your crown." He smirked.

It was silent for a second before Yusei snorted, and laughter filled the court. "Hey! I'm serious!" Jiga yelled, and Akagi slapped his back.

"I'm sure you are!" He grinned. Yusei's face slowly lit up into a genuine smile as Nishioka wrapped his arm around him and smiled back.

"So, when are you leaving?" Yakoya asked, and so he explained that he was leaving after inter high.

"That's good, gives us more time with you," Nishioka said, "Let's win and let our demon king go out with a bang."

"Fuck yeah!" The team erupted in cheers, standing up and putting their hands in.

"Anaguma, fight!"

𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚌𝚢 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚢 𝚐𝚒𝚊𝚗𝚝 [𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘴 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯]Where stories live. Discover now