Chapter 2: Sewing Scissors

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"C'mon guys we need to go to Mr. Watts's room he has razors, drills, and other things we can use" Keo stated.

Olivia halted in her steps as a light buzz went off in her right pocket. It was a text. "Where r u guys", "Oh-My guys we forgot Isa" everyone paused at once.

"Hurry, guys she can't die" Olivia Exclaimed

The group ran as fast as their legs can carry them toward the front of the school where the murder took place.

When they arrived there was no sign of Isa anywhere, "Shit!!!" Calvin exclaimed loudly. Looking around with no other option Keo noticed a trail of Cheetos leading to the 100 hallway, "Hey guys look!"

The students glanced over to their left to find a cheesy trail leading to a nearby hallway.  Soon the Cheeto trail ended and began again with blood, "Oh no Karl I'm getting scared" Olivia scarefully said toward Karl.

The trail of dark, thick, sticky, blood led over to a moderately sized girl slumped over in chair next to small table, "ISA!!!!" Olivia exclaimed as she ran over to the middle of the hallway.

When the frightened teenager turned she saw Isa's optic nerve snapped in half and her eye balls smashed in on the small table along with sewing scissors covered in blood. Olivia began to cry deeply for Isa just when her hand felt another.

"don't cry over me Olivia."

"Wha-what h-how did you," she gleamed with happiness before she spoke again tears of joy in her eyes

"Isa!" She exclaimed

"Hey sister from another mister its ok" Isa remarked

Yet again the PA system sounded with the voice," I forgot to mention you have one wish . A save a life wish. And, while i was killing your friend i couldn't help but hear a girly voice yell out the words, Hurry guys she can't die so... That was stupid of you." the machine cut off instantaneously.

"Isa are you ok" Keo questioned

"More than ok keo" isa said

"how you can no longer see?" Mason examined

"Put it like this think of my five senses now picture my sight getting divide equally amongst them all, for example i can smell the strawberry shampoo in olivia's hair and i can hear something walking towards us, oh no we gotta run where though" Isa said.

"Watt's he has weapons n'stuff that we can use" Mason explained

"Alright" Isa said

Isa's P.O.V

I could here the concrete walkway echo footsteps from a middle aged man with too much cologne. I could smell Skyler and my blood dripping from his coat "drip, drip, drop, drop," all of a sudden i was having trouble breathing, my heart was racing a triathlon, and my body was shaking all over.

"Isa c'mon move it" Olivia Shouted as she attempted to push the girl over to the exit however she was doomed to fall over, Olivia began to apologize again and again attempting to help her up but Isa refused and snapped to insanity the poor girl slapped Olivia's arms and kicked her legs on the floor.

"Isa!" Olivia scram

"Leave her Olivia she's crazy, your gonna die just get out of there already" Karl shouted

"NO!" Olivia revolted

The murderer was just mere steps away and while he creeped forward Olivia shielded Isa with her body, the masked executioner began fighting Olivia with these metal braces and he had on his fists eventually he broke her jaw from repetitive punches to the face. Olivia fell over only to get back in her position in front of Isa, "You may break my bones but i refuse to let you touch my sister again" Olivia bravely remarked.

All i could hear was the sound of a metal blade screeching against another metal object, and Olivia getting butchered in the head while her body fell to the floor her head split open and both halves of her brain slid out and gush on the floor, basically swimming in blood i regained a bit of my sanity and mustered up some strength so that i could quickly grasp the sewing scissors on the table.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!!!!" i yelled

With frizzed hair and a burning hatred i stabbed the man in his arms, holding the weapons he left me to die with, "I SHALL AVENGE MY SISTER" i repeatedly stabbed the perpetrator before he kneed me in my right abdomen and shoved the sewing scissors, deep in my skull then dug his hands in the open wound and cracked my skull further to the point of me ending up with the same fate as Olivia, two halves of a brain on the floor.

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