Chapter 4: Defense

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After the five students grabbed their weapons they created a plan of attack,

"Let's head over to the gym it's the biggest space here and it's easy to guard"Karl said

"Yeah i can guard the left back entrance" Mason chose

"I got back right" Calvin said

I'll take the room near the front entrance with two entrances" Karl distinctively chose

"I'll help Karl" Cameron said

"Ok that leaves me with the front entrance then" Keo unwillingly released from his mouth

The four led off pursuing their newly created plan while the masked murderer replenished health.

???? P.O.V

I was in a pool of thick dark red blood, it felt like home. I was so comfortable i flossed my teeth with the ugly brunette's cracked cranial skull bone ooh wee how wonderful it felt to bathe in the blood of innocent's, " Ha, Ha, Ha." I made my reaper symbol in the the center of the blood stained crossway just to flatter myself on the wondrous work i've accomplished.

"Ah, What is the time"

Once i had checked the time i realized that i had been swimming for far too long the time was 9:35 and in three hours thirty five minutes i'd have to let the brats go. "Is that Ariana Grande?"

The final five took shelter in the gym and maximized the volume on the music system so the ariana grande song could be heard throughout the entire school that was their plot to lure the manslaughterer toward their location so they can kill him.

"ALL SET GUYS?!?" Karl questioned

"YEAH!!!" The others shouted in unison

They prepared themselves for sudden movements seen outside or any intrusion of some kind.

A slight whistling sound chimed in the air as Keo spotted the man creeping toward them, "GUYS!!!" the young boy shouted loudly. He then attempted to throw his razor at the stranger but with a huge swing of a knife the killer not only dodged the razor, but hit it back at the teenager causing Keo to struggle for life on his knees. The murderer walked over and twisted Keo's neck killing the smart teenager.

With no hesitation Karl leaped over the body and tackled the murderer screaming, "GUY'S RUN AWAY NOW!!!!"

Mason ,Calvin, Cameron quickly ran out the back toward the back of the 200 hallway entrance. While Karl got pushed back and stabbed twenty three times before the perpetrator opened the bleachers, stuffed Karl behind them, then closed the bleachers flattening Karl. All that was seen afterward was a puddle of blood race out from the bottom of the bleachers. Wasting no time at all the masked stranger fled the scene in search of the three survivors Mason, Calvin, Cameron.

The three helped each other onto the building in hopes of leaping over the electric barricade and surviving this massacre. After fifteen minutes of red faces and weakened arms the three boys were on top of the lengthy building.

"What now Mason" Cameron worried

"We jump off the 100 hallway after we run over this cross section between these two hallways." Mason said.

"Gotcha, you always come up with the stupidest plans though" Calvin questioned but accepted

"Yes but they work so stop your bickering Pimmik." Cameron said

"Ok Kirito" Calvin said

"Okay, Okay" Mason responded

"Fine Tidel" Calvin angrily agreed.

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