i am a forest fire

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Food. That's what was on her mind. Food, and only food. And, of course, her friend: the Night Fury. He.. doesn't have a name. Or skin. Just scales, wings, a tail, four legs, and two beautiful emerald eyes.

Her black wings beat against the air as chaos ensued on the village below. I made a sharp turn, a high whine echoing through the air as plasma built in her palms. She reeled back an arm and shot down a bola that was thrown towards a Nadder by chucking a plasma ball towards the weapon. She hissed and turned towards the villagers.

Another high whine, and people shouted in panic.

"Night Fury!"


They never show themself, never get caught, never miss, and...

Two more blasts came from two different spots, this time only a few seconds apart.

always seem to strike twice.

Y/n had black wings, a tail, and two beautiful e/c hued eyes with pupils like a cat's. She had a loose, grey shirt with large slits cut into the back, brown pants, and... no shoes. She raked her sharp nails into a fence, breaking it and allowing sheep to run loose.

A few dragons snatched up thier kill- also known as thier promise of life. She watched as mothers and fathers nodded thier head in thanks, flying off to the Nest. The figure continued to struck down fences and barriers for prey. She nodded back before shrieking. She was slammed into by a large red-headed viking with a very long beard. She gasped and his eyes widened. She snapped in her wings before he could spot them. The man growled.

"What are you doing out here? You're going to get killed, girl!" He shouted at the notice of the lack of muscle on her arms. The girl panicked and shoved him away with great strength, startling him. A plasma blast separated the two people and she took off into the smoke. The larger of the two batted at the fire, trying to save her from the flames of death before seeing... nothing? The chief looked around in shock before spotting his son. He scoffed, grabbing the brunette by his collar.

"What are you-- What is he doing out here!?"

The night fury continued to fly, looking for prey to bring. It seemed like forever before the second figure shrieked, her hair flowing behind her [slim, large, etc.] figure. She slammed into the first figure just as a bola wrapped around the two of them.


A loud roar was heard that night.

"I hit it! I hit it! Did anybody see that!?" Called a scrawny young boy: Hiccup. He turned around at the sound of a growl only to be faced with a Monstrous Nightmare.

"...Except for you. AAAAA-" He wailed, running away.


Y/n groaned, looking up to see the Night Fury panting. She tried to move before she was met with great pain in her back. Her silver hair fell over her nose and face, her glowing e/c eyes glimmering in the night. She leaned against her friend, who was also her only source of warmth. She shivered, the abnormally strong girl falling asleep quickly from the blood she was losing- which was also staining the rope of the bola.

The Night Fury winced, unable to move his tail. Even if he wanted to, the rope hurt a wound on the end on his tail that he couldn't see.


Morning. They sat there. All night. The wings of a Night Fury was wrapped around a feminine figure with silvery blue hair with (h/c) streaks. The female's breathing was heavy at the blood loss, but since she wasn't really human, the bleeding had stopped quicker than a usual person's. She regained consciousness when the Night Fury growled with worry. At the sound of someone approaching, he hid her figure from sight and growled. Y/n winced and exhaled. The young boy looked over at the Night Fury, laughing victoriously.

"I... did it. Haha! I did it!" Hiccup placed a foot on Toothless's side. "I have brought down this mighty-" The Night Fury growled viciously, hugging its wings closer to its body. Hiccup yelped before he staggered back. The boy hesitated before regaining confidence. He raised his dagger, hearing the dragon growl again.

"I'm gonna take your heart... an- and I'm going to bring it to my father." He murmured with false confidence. At the sound of a small sigh, Hiccup nearly fell on his backside. He watched at the Night Fury looked down at the mass inside of his wings and allowed his body to go limp... as well as his wings to be forced open by the rope.

Hiccup was left breathless. Only legends.. that's all they were, until.. Two e/c eyes stared at Hiccup before shutting. She was beautiful, of course, but that's not what caught his eye.

A wing. A wing on.. a girl his age? And not to mention a tail.. with actual scales littering her arms and-- and her cheeks! Black, Night Fury scales! They're.. real! They were only stories before, but this fixes everything he could ever worry about! She was supposed to be some sort of fantasy tale! And her anatomy must sell for everything! And her scales were supposed to be stronger than steel! And her eyes seemed to glow and her pupils slit like a cat's-- And-! And...!

She's hurt.. And... he did this.. Hiccup contemplated his life for a few moments before the two that were struck down heard the sound of a knife sawing at the rope. As soon as it fell loose, the Night Fury's eyes dialated into thin strips before tackling Hiccup. They stared at each other for a few moment before the Night Fury shrieked loudly in his face.

The Night Fury left the stunned Hiccup, picked up his friend, and flew off. ...For the most part.

The brunette stood up, raised a finger as if he were going to talk, and then left. Er.. he began to, before collapsing in shock.


It's.. gone. Thought Y/n, staring at her reflection in the pristine water. She stretched out her wing, watching the black scales glimmer iridescently against the sun's rays. One was missing. She stared at her remaining, left wing. The right was torn off, nowhere to be seen. Toothless began to keep trying to get out, flapping his wings desperately to find a way out. The Night Fury shrieked, falling once again. Y/n snapped her wings shut and ran over, checking on her friend.

"Are.. you okay?" She asked, having learned human language through her years of hiding in villages before she ever met the Night Fury.

Clatter. Y/n's eyes slitted once again as she glanced towards the entrance. A small strip of wood with some sort of black chalk inside broke against the rocks. She growled lowly, her bun-like ears twitched upwards in caution, and so was the Night Fury's pointier ones. She went back to checking up on the Night Fury.


Berk Secrets

-Y/n's hair is silver because she eats fish so much

-Before Y/n met the Night Fury, she plotted out how to live with humans

-Author-Chan is a nerd on winged people anatomy

-Y/n is a Night Fury hybrid.

-Y/n is a Night Fury hybrid

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