Chapter Fourteen

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Author's note: I do not own West Side Story or any elements of it.

Sometime, in the middle of the night, Vivienne awoke in a strange bed that was not hers, but was actually hardly strange at all.

She didn't remember falling asleep in Riff's bed fully clothed, but given that they'd both had long days beforehand and she'd spent the time to tease and touch him so intently, it wasn't impossible to imagine why.

What was strange, and what had woken her, was the feeling of Riff's body tossing and turning next to her.

She rolled over and saw him fretting, his still-asleep face tensing and creasing in distress. She sat up, debating whether to wake him. But seeing his upset expression that made him look much younger and helpless than usual and his hands wringing in stress made the decision for her.

"Riff," she spoke softly, reaching over to gently shake his shoulder. "Wake up."

It didn't take her long to rouse him. When his eyes flickered open he pressed his hand to his chest, as if there had been something there.

"You alright?" she asked.

"Yeah," he breathed. He offered her a smile to try and convince her. "Just restless, is all."

He reached up and pulled her down to him, resting his chin on her shoulder as they both lay to face the wall, comforted by each other's heat.

Pretty comfortable for two people who are just 'having fun', they both thought but chose not to say.

When the morning came, Vivienne came back to life and was surprised to see that Riff had already up. He was not someone she would have took for an early riser.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed, tying his boots.

"Early morning plans?" she asked, her voice groggy with sleep.

Riff turned, surprised to hear her. He then fell back, letting his hands rest on her legs.

"Whatdda they say? Early bird gets the worm?"

She reached down and let her fingers rest in his hair, and was surprised to see his eyes fall shut in bliss as she did.

"Will I see you later?" he asked, letting his hand run up dangerously high on her thigh.

"No. My test is tomorrow. In fact, I would ask that you do your best to keep everyone out of trouble to avoid any emergencies."

"I can't promise nothin'."

"I mean it. No unexpected visitors."

Riff sat back up now, throwing her a smile over his shoulder. "You got it, doll."

He stood then, watching her in his bed for a second longer before he left the room. She rose from the bed herself, stretching and walking over to the mirror to try and sort her dishevelled appearance.

From the other room, she heard a familiar sound that she had heard the first night she'd stayed at Riff's place.

"Bye," his quiet voice quickly said, before she heard the front door close.

It confused her, just as it had the time before. It was too quiet and too quick to be directed at her, so why had he said it?

Shoving the useless questions out of her mind, she put on her shoes and made her way into the kitchen. The light streamed in low and harsh against the counters and she saw the dust in the air that kissed every part of the room. To be nothing but nosy, she peaked into the fridge and saw nothing but an apple turning fluffy with mould and an expired milk carton. It never failed to amaze her as to how Riff and the others got by as long as they had. She was reminded of it every time she saw them outside without coats, how she never saw them pay for anything. She didn't have much, but she had far more where they were concerned.

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