Chapter Thirty

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Author's Note: I do not own West Side Story or any elements of it.

"Will the father be joining us?"

Vivienne looked up at the nurse, older and stern, whilst she gripped the sides of her hospital bed tightly through the contraction she was currently riding.

"No," she hissed through gritted teeth. She nodded towards Tessa, who was standing beside her, wringing her hands together nervously. "Can she come in with me?"

"I'm coming in with you," Tessa spoke up, suddenly alert. For avoidance of doubt, she looked towards the nurse with a stone-like stare. "I'm going in with her."

"Alright. You'll be along soon. I'll be back shortly."

Vivienne gasped and breathed heavily through the waves of pain, feeling her body shift into something new entirely. This baby wanted out, whether she cared or not.

After her water broke, Tessa had hurried her out of the apartment and to the hospital. Vivienne was thankful more than ever that she was there.

"God!" Vivienne cried out, lurching forward. "This...this sucks!"

"Oh, honey," Tessa cooed. Her wrapped her arm around her shoulder. "You're okay. I ain't leavin' ya. You can do this."

Vivienne looked up at her, tears welling in her eyes. The anxiety and pain rendered her helpless, her mind frantically landing on only one thought that stuck; she wanted Riff.

"I need Riff," she panted. "I want him here. I can't do this without him. Do you think if we explained what was going on, they would let him out? Just for today?"

Tessa watched her, biting her lip. Vivienne knew she sounded ridiculous, but she didn't care. 

"I don't think that's possible, Viv. It's too late, the baby's comin'. Riff doesn't even know you're here."

Vivienne nodded, letting a tear fall. She tried to imagine Riff's hand on hers, his lips upon her cheek, telling her everything would be okay. He should be there. It was the only thing she could think.

"But I'm here," Tessa continued, reaching up to brush a damp hair from Vivienne's forehead. "And I've left a note for John. He'll come straight here when he finds it, I'm sure."

"Thank you."

Vivienne felt a new wave of pain hit her. She groaned, trying to push through. She could feel her want for Riff rise up in her again, but she pushed it back down, biting at herself in her own head. She couldn't be weak now. She had something she needed to do. 

It didn't take long for things to move. Before she knew it, she was being taken into a theatre, surrounded by nurses and with a doctor suddenly telling her to push.

Tessa was beside her, holding her hand tight and sharing words of encouragement, words of empathy even though she couldn't possibly understand what was happening.

Vivienne cried out and yelled, expelling the pain. She pushed and pushed but didn't feel like anything she was doing was helping. She pushed until it felt like she was being turned inside out. She pushed, and thought about Riff.

"How come you learn shit so quickly?" Riff had once asked her, as they lay together in bed whilst she read one of her study books before they went to sleep. 

"Because there's a lot to learn. And if I'm fixing you guys up all the time, I gotta keep on top of it all."

Riff smiled at her and brought her in, taking the book from her hands and looking at it. His brow scrunched in confusion.

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