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Marie's POV

I hid into Jacob's side when we got out of the truck. Bryan blocked me from view. I couldn't believe mom was still alive after all this time.

I sighed as I press closer to Jacob. All of these people were making me nervous. Bryan looked at me and immediately yanked me out of the middle of that big group.

I breathed when I wasn't crowded anymore. Jacob stepped up beside me and if anyone got too close he growled at them. Mom stepped forward and ignored Jacob's growls.

"Jacob Lane O'Connor if you do not stop that growling, I will reintroduce you to being spanked." Mom said to him.

I glared at her. She couldn't do this. Not now. Not after me and Bryan had just lost Dad. I still couldn't believe she was alive.

I saw the car after the accident. There was no way she could've survived that. Werewolf or not. She reached out to touch me and I stepped away from her.

"Don't touch me." I threw the words at her hoping they would cut deep.

"I just wanted to make sure you're ok, Marie."

"You've had 3 years to do that, Mom. Instead you choose to leave me and Bryan and Dad. Dad is gone."

She stared at me. "I'm not your mother."

I paled. How could she say that? Bryan stepped forward and glared at her.

"How can you say that? They had a closed casket ceremony because you were burned so badly. Dad refused to let us see you like. He only wanted us to remember you as full of life and happy. But you weren't happy you faked your own death so you could leave us."

Then one guy stepped forward. He cleared his throat.

"My name is Tom. I am the alpha of this pack of wolfs."

Jacob inclined his head, but wrapped a protective arm around me. Pinning me to his side. I knew the same confused look that was on my face was on Bryan's.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

I heard a lot of gasps. Everyone started talking at once. I looked at Jacob, confused as to what I did.

A small voice said in my head, You should've waited til you were alone with Jacob and Tom.

I just ignored it knowing this was stupid. Werewolves don't exist.

What if they do? The voice said.

The talking finally died down. Tom looked at me, kindness in his eyes. "I will answer that later, right now it's time for you and Bryan to meet everyone."

Everyone lined up in a certain order. I smiled politely. He introduced the Beta first. His name is Ryan. Then he introduced his third in command. Her name is Rachel. I liked her instantly.

"Come find me later Marie and I'll help you figure this out." She said.

I agreed immediately. Jacob growled at my plans. I rolled my eyes at him. After all the adults and teenagers had been introduced Tom introduced the children then. One little girl waddle up to me.

She reached her arms up to me. I picked her up and she snuggled into my side. She couldn't have been more then 2 years old. I looked around for some proud parents, but saw none.

Everyone was looking astonished. Even Tom.

"She choose you."

"What do you mean?"

"About a year an a half ago her parents went on a weekend trip where your family went too. They left little Chelsea and her brother here with her grandpa, but they never came back. I sent wolves to try and find them, what they found had me wishing they never went."

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