Triplets & The Alpha

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Jacob's POV

I took Marie to the pack doctor. William looked over at us when we enter.

"Jacob? What brings you here on this fine day?"

"Actually, I brought my mate to see Lillian."

"She should be here in a few minutes if you want to wait you can..."

Lillian walked in as he said that. Marie shot daggers at her. I looked into her mind with our bond. I heard her talking to her wolf.

Kelly? Is that my mother?

Yes, Marie, but she doesn't remember you or Bryan.

How can she not remember her own children?

The wreck wasn't an accident. The rogue wolf you encounter was behind it.


I pulled out of her mind then. Lillian sighed and looked at us.

"A checkup, I assume."

"Actually Marie is pregnant and I was wondering if you could check her baby and see if he is ok?" I asked.

Marie's jaw dropped. "It's a girl. Thank you very much. Not a boy." She snapped at me.

I laughed and so did William and Lillian.

"Honey, you ain't just havin' one baby. You havin' twins." Lillian said.

Her accent was noticeable and Marie reacted to it. Whenever Lillian was laughing that hard her accent came through quite a bit.

"How can you not remember me, mama?"

My little mate looked on the verge of tears. Chelsea and Sam clung tighter to her.

"Honey, listen. There's a great deal I don't remember, 'fore I was brought here. Livin' here I realized I might not remember my past, but I found my mate. He's my future."

I cut in then seeing the pain on Marie's face, "Look, Lillian can you just check her over and her baby(ies)?"

"Yes, Alp- Jacob."

I pulled Sam and Chelsea off of Marie. She sat on the exam table.

"Are you wearin' a tank top under your shirt Marie?"

"No, why?"

"I need you to pull your shirt off for me to do the check up."

"I'm wearing a work out bra. I've worn it in public gyms before. I'm not really that self cautious, except for when it came to my dad and brother."

"If you don't mind taking your shirt off we can get you out of here in a giffy." Lillian said.

I growled inside my head. I didn't want my mate exposed like that at all. Neither did my wolf, but we both knew Lillian was right.

Marie pulled her shirt off. Lillian instructed her to lay back and 30 minutes later the exam was done.

"You put your shirt back on. The triplets will be fine."

"Triplets?!" We shouted at the same time.

Marie was shocked. I was furious. Her boyfriend got her pregnant. It was bad enough I wanted to rip his head off for doing that to her. Lillian had thought it was twins, but it turns out it's triplets.

This can't be! Her ex screwed her over! Our mate doesn't deserve this! My wolf was furious.

I know. Let's go talk to Tom, he'll know what to do. And Blane I need you to back off a little. We just found her, don't try to be overprotective just yet. Let her get use to her new life.

Alright, but it isn't right that she's having someone else's kids.

Do you see that person here?! They abandoned her. Those pups are our kids not biologically, but in all intenses and purposes they are mine and your pups.

Ok, Jake. We never tell them of their human father who left them and their mother.

Fair enough.

"Marie? Come. You can stay in my house tonight with the kids. Ok?"

She nodded mutely. I led her to my house. She held Chelsea and Sam near. We got to the house to see her bags sitting on the front porch. I grabbed them and opened the door.

"Marie, go on in. I have to go talk to Alpha Tom. Chelsea and Sam know their way around the house and there's an open room unless you want to stay with me in my room. It's your choice."

With that said I left. I found Alpha Tom near the training center.

"Alpha Tom." I bowed my head out of respect, since he was acting alpha.


"You wanted to speak with me?" I asked.

"Yes, about Tatum."

He was beating around the bush.

"What about her, Tom?"

"Why did she lie to your young mate?"

"Tom, I honestly couldn't tell you."

"Well, I can tell you. She's been led on by you. Sam adores her and Chelsea was starting to come around to her. You didn't realize it. She sought you out everywhere she went. You sought her out too. She had lost her mate. You still had yet to find yours. Your wolves started to create a bond deeper then just being pack."

I stared at Tom. He couldn't be serious. He noticed my look.

"Ask your wolf if you don't believe me." He stated.

I reached for Blane. Is it true?

Yes, Jacob. Is what true?

Don't play games with me Blane. Did you start to bond with Tatum's wolf?

Against my better judgement. I wanted to bring her wolf back to her. I didn't realize her wolf would latch on to me and trick Tatum into thinking we wanted to be her mate. I just wanted to help.

What about the seeking her out part?

It was instinct. I wanted to check on her, but not like that.

I believe you. Now explaining that to Tom.

I focused back on Tom. He was staring at me with an expression that said, Well?

"My wolf reached out to Tatum to coax her wolf to come back to her. What I didn't know is that Tatum's wolf had latched on to mine or that my wolf had even done it."

"Alright, well I already told Tatum to keep her distance so that it will decrease the bond between you two and that she isn't to speak to Marie or the children or the triplets when they come. Yes, I know all about them."

I couldn't understand, if Tom knew that meant the whole pack knew. Knew it wasn't my pups. Knew she had been with someone before me.

"Thanks a lot Tom. She's in danger now from Tatum."

I took off at a dead run for the house, but something told me I might be too late. I could hear Tom behind me, but my fear for my mate and kids drove me faster.

I saw the house with the front door standing open, broken.

So, how do you like it so far? I know it's been awhile since I updated. Today's my birthday. So yeah. I have double ear infection. I'm not saying this to make y'all feel bad for me, I'm just saying it so y'all know my reasons for not updating sooner. Anyway, what do you think happened to Marie? Did Tatum get her? Or something much worse? Leave your opinions. You'll see what happened in the next chapter.

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