15 Years Later

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Taylor's POV

Today was the day! I get to learn how to fight in my cat form. Lili was ready too.

Tay! Are you excited? I know I am.

I know, Lil. You won't shut up about it.

I'm sorry. She pouted in my head.

I laughed and Katy and Tyler looked at me funny. I stuck my tongue out at them. They don't have the relationship with their cat and wolf like I do with Lili.

"Tay, Mom said to relax. Dad will get us in a couple of hours." Ty said.

I hated how he always did that. Me, Katy, and Tyler are triplets. We have a special mind link. They could hear any of my thoughts at the time they peeped in. The same could be said about me.

We all turn 16 next week. Technically saturday, but Dad had set the party for next week. In 2 days I would find my mate. Mom finally convinced Dad to train us how to fight in our were forms. I couldn't wait to meet my mate. I hope he's perfect.

He'll be perfect Tay. So will his were he won't reject us. Lili said.

She was so sure. I wasn't. Sam hadn't met his mate yet, but he wasn't worried. Dad didn't meet Mom until he was 20. Chelsea already has her mate. Dad gave him the third degree, big time. I felt bad for him, but enjoyed every minute of it.

I heard someone walk up the porch steps. They knocked on the door. I jumped to my feet to answer it. Usually the pack just walked right on in.

I opened the door to see two girls, three boys and two adults. The boys looked like triplets. They had the same build and the same look. One boy had piercing blue eyes. I was drawn in like a moth to a candle. His hair was disheveled. It was a brownish red.

The guy next to him had brown eyes that looked like they saw everything in you. His appearance screamed loud. I hope he's Katy's mate. They would fit together like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. His black hair was side swept, but I could tell it had been dyed.

The third guy kept sniffing the air. He looked like the perfect match for Destiny. His appearance screamed, reserve, quiet. Ryan would like him. Destiny was a loud child. His hair fell naturally. His hazel eyes took everything in.

The older girl had her arms wrapped around her waist. She looked wistful. She had red hair. Her eyes looked golden, but I wasn't sure. She was probably 5'4". She might be Sam's mate. She seemed like she could keep him grounded.

Her sister hid slightly behind her, holding her arm tightly. She had brown hair and her eyes sparkled like mischief was always a foot with her. She was an inch or two shorter then her sister. I took in her appearance, Tyler would fit perfectly with her.

The parents were mates. The woman had beautiful brown hair and blue-greenish eyes. The man had dark blonde hair and hazel eyes.

"Hi." I smiled.

"Is Alpha Jacob in?"

"Are you the new pack members?" I asked remembering Dad telling me they would be here sometime today.


"Come on in. I'll show you to the office. Luna is in, she can help you."

I skipped down the hall with them behind me. I heard my sister groan.

Taylor please act 15 atleast.

Nope. I'm happy having fun.

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