Early Babies

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Sean's POV

I paced around the room. A million thoughts flying through my mind.

What all did Taylor eat? And why did the kids come early?

I laid down to get some sleep. Jamie stretched out in the doorway between the two rooms. We both fell asleep within seconds.

I woke up to the sound of Taylor whimpering in pain. I stood up and walked over to her.

"What's wrong baby?"

"I can't get comfortable." She pouted.

I laid down beside her, wrapping my arm around her waist holding her to me.

"What's hurting?"

"My back and..."

She trailed off. I looked at her to see she was blushing.

"And?" I prompt.

"Down south." She whispered.

I got what she meant. I sent her a crooked grin.

"We'll ask the pack doctor in the morning."


She snuggled into my chest and fell asleep. I smiled thinking about how innocent she is and the fact that she's my baby momma.

Olivia Rose Raider? McKenna Kelly Raider?

What are you doing Sean? Lee asked.

Thinking of names for my daughter. Is that a problem Lee?

No, but you might want to ask Taylor what she wants.

I know, but I want to have a couple of options.

Ok. What about Becca Dianne Raider?

No. Too girly. What about McKenna Rebecca Raider?

Maybe. Or Rachel Rebecca Raider?

3 R's, seriously Lee?

Yeah, so?

So, she'll be made fun of!

No, she won't.

Ok, whatever you say.

I like McKenna. I'll ask Taylor to pick out another name and we can give our daughter a name.

Ok. Goodnight Sean.

Goodnight Lee.

I fell back asleep cuddling Taylor. Taylor would have to start working out to get her body strong again, soon.

Jacob's POV
I know I said I wouldn't do one, but I feel like he has a big opinion on having pregnant teenage daughter's.

I paced in my room. Marie was with Tas and Tatum on a girl's day as they called it. Taylor had her cubs early. I was worried. She's still a kid and she's a teen mom.

I can't say much. Marie had them when she was 17. I remembered everything.

Flashback of triplets 5th birthday.

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