Descriptions #2

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Sean: His eyes are a piercing blue. He's about 6'2". He's Taylor's mate. He has brownish red color hair. His wolfs name is Lee. He's a russet colored wolf.

Derek: He had brown soulful eyes. He has black hair that he dyed that color. He's Katy's mate. He has a loud appearance. He's a dark colored wolf and his wolfs name is Daniel.

Nick: He has hazel eyes. He has blondish hair. He's Destiny's mate. His wolfs name is Nate, and he's a blonde almost white wolf.

Alice: She has red hair. Her eyes are a golden-amber color. About 5'4". Her hair is a mix of red and blonde. Her cats name is Jenna and she's a red color. She's Sam's mate.

Nicole: She has brown hair and amber-green eyes. About 5'2". She's Tyler's mate. Her jaguar is a sleek black color and her name is Jane.

Beth: Has brown hair and blue-greenish eyes. She's Derek, Sean, Nick, Alice, and Nicole's mother. She's about 5'0".

Jack: Has dark blonde hair and hazel eyes. He towers over Beth. He keeps the boys in line (as best he can). He'll be the new trainer for the pack. How to fight and defend themselves.

Tas: Ryan's mate. He thought she died. I'm only adding her description because I forgot to put it in the first, but I could've sworn I did. Well I'm not sure what I put down for her description in the story but that's all I'm putting. Sorry.

Destiny: Nicks mate. She's 16 she's only a half year older then Katy Tyler and Taylor but werewolves(cats) grow fast when they're young. She's about 5'4". She is almost like a sister to the five kids (Katy Tyler Taylor Sam and Chelsea). She's close to Taylor because Taylor and Katy's relationship is rocky even though they're twins. She has black hair that is midnight colored. Her wolf's name is Alex.

John: he's a crazy ex. Won't hear much about him til way later. I'm not gonna make a sequel sorry. I'm just gonna put the story into one. I'll let y'all know when it's the next part and end of that story ok? It'll be easier for me having it all in one place. I'll add to the background and name each section ok?

I'm sorry I screwed up. I changed the storyline but I don't feel like going and changing everywhere it's wrong. Ok yeah umm I'm not doing anymore descriptions. 1) it's too hard to remember all the information I need to. 2) it takes time away from the story and 3) it doesn't feel organize to me when I do descriptions.

I'll be introducing some new characters and something that happened to Taylor in one of the upcoming chapters. I'm trying to make the story go slow so it's not to fast paced, but if it's too slow just tell me. I don't have anyone reading through the chapters before I post them to check for errors. I'm doing my own editing so I don't notice ever error. My brain works really fast and my thumbs have to speed to keep up.

I own all the characters in this story. I had it copy righted and everything. Plus I have this sort of wrote down. I'm the sole owner of everything in the story. I do read other stories. I do borrow ideas. I don't copy them specifically. If I like something, I'll see if I can twist so I'm not copying someone else's idea. If not, I leave it alone.

Everything in this story if fictional. If anything is related to a person or event it's completely unintended. If you notice an error please let me know, but don't be mean about it. I have enough of people being mean to me in person to deal with it on here.

Thank you for reading this.




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