Long-Lost Brother

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Sean's POV

Alpha Jacob had us sit down in the living room. Taylor laid curled up in my arms. She whimpered every time someone yelled. The flashbacks had kept getting worse.

"Jamie, tell us what happened." Alpha Jacob said.

"From the very beginning?"


"Ok, umm. Me, Sean, Nick, and Derek decided we would pretend to hunt down rogues in our favorite cave type system. We said to meet back by the entrance, well I got there first. I walked over to the stream to wait, when I caught scent of a weird smell. It smelt like blood and living in the wild for a long time. I didn't want whatever it was near the cave so I walked towards the training grounds. It followed me. I wasn't being quiet. I saw the training grounds and several pack members. I ran then. By then I knew it was a rogue that was the only explanation for it to be stalking me. I screamed for help. One pack member Nate looked straight at me and yelled that I was in danger. The last thing I saw was Nate running straight towards me and the rogue when it grabbed me and disappeared into thin air. He appeared in front of a house. He dropped me on the porch knocked on the door then disappeared again. A lady walked out who saw me and said 'You smell like a rogue, come on let's get you in the bath then I'll figure out what to do with you.' She raised me but all I talked about was getting back to my family. She had enough of hearing about them. She had Luna Marie babysit me several times. When I was 12 the rogue that kidnapped me came back to the house and she handed me over to him. I lived with him from then on. A year after I started living with him he came across Lindsay and Taylor. I told him they were just a couple of cubs we should leave them alone, he didn't listen. Him and his friends attacked them Taylor took the brunt force of it. The only thing I did to ease both of their pain was to knock them out. I heard two wolves coming in our direction, so I hid. I was scared, I followed the wolves back after they killed the rogues. I stayed out of sight, but I think Taylor always knew I was in the shadows she would sit a plate full of food on the porch every night at 9:30 on the dot. Last night she didn't and I knew it was because she had found her mate. Alpha Jacob, Beta Eric I didn't mean to hurt your daughter's but when he tried to kill them I slipped in and knocked them out 4 years ago. I hated what Lindsay went through last year. I kept an eye on her as well. Up until a couple of days ago I thought I could stay in the shadows, I started noticing how Taylor would linger around the porch after she set the plate of food out, waiting for me to get it, but I never showed up til after she was gone, but I always left something in return, be it a kill or a piece of jewelry or something to pay her back for her kindness."

Jamie squirmed under our gazes I knew the scent of all the wolves was getting to him. I sighed and held Taylor closer to me. I felt her body relax and Jamie snapped his eyes to her. They changed from blue to black. I knew his wolf took over.

"How is mate?" His wolf asked.

I laughed. "You wanna hold her?" I answered.

He walked over and sat beside me. I handed Taylor to him and she grabbed hold of my hand and snuggled into his chest falling asleep fast. I knew she heard what he said. I looked over at Alpha Jacob.

"Can we stay with Taylor tonight, Alpha Jacob me and Jamie?"

"Of course. I won't deny my daughter her mates when she needs them."

"D-Dad?" A sleepy voice asked.

"Taylor, are you ok?" Me, Jamie and Jacob asked at the same time.

"I'm feel fine." She whispered.

Jamie's grip tightened on her slightly. She looked up at him.

"Who are you? You can't be my mate. I already have one." She said confused.

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