15 - Tough Decisions

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I must warn you now. This chapter will be a bit violent and I suggest you cover young children's eyes. Thanks for reading and I hope you don't hate me too much!

Jack P.O.V

Think quick Jack, you're taking too long. She's staring in your eyes and your friends are listening through the door and you have to please both of them while still saying the truth. But I don't know the truth. I love Elsa, that's for sure, but do I think she's 'the one'? I don't think so......

I quickly realized that I was sputtering. "Uh," I cleared my throat. "Ummm...." Elsa raised an eyebrow at me. She was standing right in front of me, we were having a sort of staring contest. I'm almost positive that I already lost.

"You want to know the truth Elsa?" I asked confidently, now that I've recovered. "I don't know. I don't know." I stated matter-of-factly. I spoke my mind, for once, looking in her ice blue eyes. "I love you Elsa. Do I think you're the one?" I pretended to ponder even though I was really thinking about a way to say this inoffensively. "Not particularly. To be honest, I just met you, should I be thinking about this already?" It was a rhetorical question. "Are you?" I added as an after thought.

She seemed shocked by my answer. She was probably expecting a yes or no, not an I don't know. And she definitely wasn't expecting me to turn it around on her. She took a couple seconds to answer.

"No, I suppose I don't either." She tilted her head back, towards the door we both knew our friends were behind. "And you guys don't have to cram against a door anymore, you can come in."

The door opened slowly, revealing the six sheepish faces of our closest friends. They slowly walk in, standing clumped together behind one of the couches, their faces downcast.

"I'm sorry guys." Hiccup begins. "I thought...."

I nodded meaningfully. "I understand." I punched him playfully in the arm. "Just don't do it again. Elsa and I can handle our own love life."

She linked her arm around mine and smiled up at me. "I agree. I know you guys are just trying to help, and we love you for it, but -"

She was cut off by a siren as the whole room went black and the red emergency lights started flashing throughout the room. I looked over at Elsa when I noticed her arm wasn't around mine anymore.

All four of the girls were tensed and ready to fight, each of them were going through the motions of gearing up. Eugene and Kristoff were running to the hidden wall. They typed in the passcode and grabbed our weapons from the shelf that came out. Then they locked it again.

Kristoff threw me my staff as Hiccup blew his silent whistle, calling Toothless who arrived seconds later, breaking through the door.

Hiccup hopped on and they rose a little above the ground.

"Scour the area!" Report back when you know!" I shouted at him. He nodded and scooped up Merida on the way, placing her behind him with her bow poised and ready.

"What's going on?" Anna asked.

"It depends. This could be a drill, but we never know. We have to remain on guard!" I told her.

Elsa gestured for us to follow her as we made our way around the halls, not finding anyone suspicious, but also not finding anyone at all.

As Elsa was leading us around another corner, a brief flash of light caught my eye. But then it was too late.

Merida P.O.V

I looked around frantically, my arrow aimed at anything that moved, as Toothless flew me and Hiccup over the agencies' skyscraper. Nothing was different. It was pure morning, which made flying on a dragon risky, and nothing seemed out of place in anyway.

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