29 - Revenge?

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Elsa P.O.V

A bright light was the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes, causing me to squint and hold up my hand to shield my face. Of course I would use my hand if it wasn't tied with my other hand behind my back. It took approximately 6 seconds for me to remember what had happened.

The date. The attack. Jack and I's powers gone. Jack being restrained. Being knocked out by the liquid in the syringe. 

I groaned and looked around, quickly realizing I was in a very dark room with one very bright light handing from the ceiling in the center of eight chairs, each chair housing a member of my team.

They were all knocked out, their heads lulled to the side as they dreamlessly slept. It was a frightening sight to see, all of my friends so vulnerable in a place our captors took us. I started to struggle in my bindings, soon realizing that not only were my hands tied together but my ankles were tied to the legs of the chair that was bolted to the floor.

I struggled a little more but it was no use so I stayed still, flexing and relaxing my fingers to try and use my power.

"It won't work." A voice said from behind me. It was familiar but the way it was said was not. It was said dark and evil, something I do not associate with the person connected to the voice. "The chemicals we put in your food is only temporary but you might as well stop trying."

"Walt." I said, just before he stepped into the light, along with David.

"Very good Elsa, you're friends didn't get it when I spoke to them before. I glanced around at my friends to see that Hiccup had burn marks around his body and Rapunzel had a huge gash on her forehead, dry blood coating half of her face as her hair was out of it's usual braid, flowing out behind her. Those were the most noticeable injuries and they weren't the worst we've seen but it got my blood boiling.

"What did you do to them!?" I screamed, struggling with my bindings once again so I could claw their eyes out.

"Oh that wasn't us. Well, not directly at least." David defended. "Rapunzel got that sucker during the car crash we may or may not have cause and Hiccup is only burned because he was stupid enough to go back to the car when he knew their was a bomb inside, all to help the stupid little Anna." He said her name in disgust while he walked around her, flicking one of her braids.

"Don't touch my sister!" I yelled accidentally, immediately realizing my mistake. No one knew that Anna and I were siblings, after our parents died and we got into the spy business, we decided we were each other's weaknesses, that if anyone found out, they would target the other to get to them. Not even Merida and Rap knew we were sisters.

Both Disney and David were taken aback for a second before their smirks appeared again. "Oooh, did I strike a nerve?" David asked tauntingly as he flicked her braid once again.

"And Hiccup is not stupid, it's called loyalty that he saved Anna!" I yelled again, my throat already becoming rough.

Suddenly, Disney was in my face. "Don't talk to us about loyalty young lady." He sneered. "You left us without a glance back, after we gave you everything you just up and left us."

"That's what this is about? Because we left D&D you're going to kill us?" I asked incredulously.

David and Walt looked at each other and laughed humorlessly. "No, you stupid, ignorant girl. Did you really not notice? Or were you too caught up in your perfect relationship with IceBoy over here?" David yanked up Jack's head by his hair, causing me to see red. "After you left, D&D went bankrupt, all of our clients switched to you, our agents left us, and then finally the city came and took the building away. We are not doing this because you left, we're doing this because you ruined our lives!"

I heard noises coming from my left and looked over to see Kristoff awake, struggling with the ropes around his hands as he took in the situation. He looked to me and almost looked surprised to see I was awake. I saw in his eyes the questions but they would have to wait until later. I turned back to Disney and David.

"You cannot blame us for ruining your lives. You killed Kristoff and Eugene! We should have killed you for that!" I exclaimed and then noticed more of my teammates were waking up. Anna lifted her head and her eyes immediately went to Kristoff, the two having a silent conversation but our ex-bosses were too caught up to notice.

Merida also woke up, first looking at me to make sure I didn't need her assistance with this fight and then looking to Hiccup, helplessly scanning his body as she took in the wounds covering him. 

"Ah, yes. And Rapunzel was the one to save them wasn't she?" David asked, gliding over to Punzie. "We'll just have to take care of that so she doesn't have the privilege to next time." By this time, Eugene was awake and taking in his surroundings, when he spotted David so close to Punzie he growled.

"Don't you touch her." He scowled as he worked with the ropes, desperately trying to help his knocked-out girlfriend.

David wagged a finger at him. "Ah, ah, ah. Be good Eugene, or I won't play nice with her." He yanked Rapunzel up by the hair, startling her awake and she screamed. He immediately dropped her hair out of shock but picked it back up again quickly, twisting it in what must be a painful way.

All of us that were awake were now fighting to loosen our bonds and get to Rapunzel but it was no use. Without our powers, we were hopeless. Painfully slowly, David took a scissors out of his pocket and Rapunzel screamed high, trying frantically to get away from the impending sorrow. David laughed maliciously along with Walt as he took a section of Rapunzel's hair and very quickly snipped it off.

Rapunzel wailed in agony as we all watched the hair grow brown and loose it's powers. I strained against my bindings again, flexing my fingers as I felt a spark of cold. I kept working the spark while Rapunzel's hair was cut again, piece by piece. 

Hiccup was now awake due to Punzie's constant screaming as she watched the thing she holds most dear be stripped away from her. Half of her hair was now short and brown as I finally got my ice back. Very quickly I got through the ropes on my and and brought them around, hitting David right in the chest so that he was moved far away from Punzie. 

I then shot towards Disney who was by a still knocked out Jack so that both of our old bosses were knocked out cold. 

I then froze my ankle bindings and broke through, standing up and going around to my friends to help them. "I'm sorry Punzie, I'm so so sorry." I kept saying as she was rocked back and forth in Eugene's arms, sobbing as she clutched her lost hair.

I finally got to Jack, unbinding him so that when he woke up he wouldn't have to struggle. Suddenly, I heard a door slam and in charged a dozen men dressed in black. The light hanging from the ceiling was not a lot to go on as we fought but we made due.

Eugene stood over Punzie, wielding David's scissors, as she protected her hair from anymore harm, cherishing the half that was still blonde. I stood around Jack, waiting for him to wake up as I fought off the predators. Anna had gotten her powers back as well and was fighting with Kristoff who was doing hand to hand. Hiccup was trying to fight but Merida wouldn't let him as she stole a sword off a fallen goon and used that as a weapon.

More men came in, charging at us with everything they've got but they forgot that we are the most well trained spies in the country, we could take on them and many more with a blink of an eye. That is, if we had everyone.

I felt a pain in my back shoulder as someone stabbed my with a sword. I cried out in pain and crumbled to the ground with one last ice blast to the man in front of me, knocking him out. The man her stabbed me though was still there, and I left Jack unprotected. 

"Jack!" I cried out wanting to get up and protect him but the man was coming for me, he drove the sword kill me and I closed my eyes, waiting. 

But nothing came. I opened my eyes again to see Jack standing over me, a sword driven right through his stomach.


You all hate me, I know, I know. But this was necessary. Trust me. The next chapter will be the last chapter and then there will be an epilogue. I am leaving this book open for a sequel but I don't know if I will write one and if I do it will most likely be after I finished some of my other books. Thank you for reading!


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