17 - Toothless

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Hiccup P.O.V

"Hiccup, what about Toothless?" Jack asked me, gesturing to the whistle around my neck.

"I already tried. He won't come." I replied dejectedly. We were stuck here on this floor with no communication to the outside world. Eugene, Kristoff, and Punzie were still resting after the blows they took and the rest of us decided not to look under the masks of the 'men in black', as we have grown to call them, until we are all ready to fight.

"Hiccup," Elsa started, "if you don't mind my asking, what's the story behind Toothless?"

I sighed, rubbing the back of my neck. The other girls perked up, curiously eavesdropping. I guess this will be common knowledge now. "You know that I'm a dragon trainer right?" She nodded so I continued. "Well, I wasn't always."

Now the girls were coming over to me, Anna was sitting criss cross like it was story time. I chuckled and kept going. "My father was a dragon hunter, as well as the rest of my ancestors, therefore, I would obviously be one because I am an only child, no siblings to take my place. However, I really wanted to be an engineer, I am super good with mechanics and machines and math, and I thought it would be a good fit."

I took a deep breath. "My father disagreed. Instead, I mixed together what I love to do and what I have to do. There was this one type of dragon, that my family had never caught. A night fury."

"Is that what Toothless is?" Rapunzel asked.

"Please save all future questions for the end of the story." I said. "But yes, Toothless is a night fury. I made a trap that I was going to test and try to capture or kill one. It worked."

The girls gasped and I grinned, getting into the story. "I captured a night fury one night and saw it fall a couple miles away. So, the next day, I went out to search for it. I came across a ditch where there it was, my first catch. It's tail was wound up in the rope and half of it was gone. I went up to kill it but, I just couldn't."

The girls looked at me with sympathetic eyes while the guys scoffed, having already heard this before. "He woke up and I hid, watching as he tried to fly. However, he could only get up maybe 5 feet, not tall enough to get out of the ditch. I went up to him, leaving my weapons, and realized he was a kind, intelligent creature who was just misunderstood."

Anna sighed happily at my realization and Merida shushed her angrily. "Using my engineering skills, I constructed a new tail for him. I hid him from my father, and rehabilitated him so he could fly again. Although, he has to fly with someone, so they can switch the gears and such. Soon, I was the first person to ever fly a dragon."

"The first?" Elsa asked then covered her mouth with her hands, remembering my rule.

"Toothless and I became great friends. My dad was very angry at first but we convinced him and now even he's a dragon rider. Toothless and I have fought many battles together and he has laid his life down for me many times. I owe him, and he's my best friend." I finally finished, seeing tears in some of the girl's eyes.

"That was so sweet." Anna exclaimed.

Elsa raised her hand hesitantly. "Can we ask questions now?" I nodded and she continued. "So he just helps you with missions now, do you guys train anymore?"

"Oh, yeah. This is one of the longest times I've gone without training with him actually, he's a little mad." I admitted. "I'm really worried about him now though, he usually stays around the area but he's not coming when I whistle."

"Do you think these guys are working with other people who might have captured him?" Anna asked me worriedly.

I shrugged. "I don't know, that's the thing. I can't handle not knowing." Merida linked her arm through mine and set her head on my shoulder smiling at me sympathetically. I smiled weakly back and got up, going to one of the walls that led to the outside. "Do you think they did this on purpose? Trapping us in one of the only floors that doesn't have windows?" I asked them, playing with my whistle.

"I think this is a really well thought out plan, that's for sure." Jack said.

"I agree, they knew our powers, our weaknesses, even where we would go when the lockdown started." Elsa added.

"Ok, I can't take it anymore!" Blurted Eugene. "I have to know who these guys are!"

Jack and I went over to stand next to the five fallen men. They all had black cloaks on, with black gloves, boots, and pants. They also had masks on with no eyeholes so we were suspicious of how they could see.

"How are you Punz?" Merida asked Punzie.

She nodded her head and stood up. "I'll be ok, just, no one get seriously hurt again for at least two days." She joked.

"Don't you worry, we'll try our best." Merida said back to her.

"And you, Kristoff?" Jack asked, turning to him.

"I think Rap gave me most of her energy. I feel like jumping up and down all day." He grinned at her and she smiled back weakly.

"That's how I feel most of the time." She responded.

"Ok, let's take this guy. I'll grab him mask and rip it off on the count of three." Jack commanded. We all gathered around so if he woke up, there would be nothing he could do. "One..." Jack grabbed the edge of the mask. "Two..." He shivered as his skin made contact with the villain.

"Three." We all breathed as Jack ripped off the mask.

"No." We all gasped.

There was no face. It was blank.

The Big Eight (A Jelsa, Merricup, Kristanna, and Eugunzel Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now