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A horn was blown through a conch shell announcing the ceremony was beginning. Poseidon and all of his daughters, minus the birthday girl, was sitting in their thrones at the front of the room as merfolk gathered around. Everyone was waiting excitedly for the special coronation that would be the final one of the century. The youngest daughter of the royal family was finally at the age to be granted title as a Princess.

The royal advisor, Sebastian, had prepared a musical number to introduce the youngest daughter. After the third horn was blown, the music began and everyone turned to the doors of the underground palace of Atlanta. The music was lovely and calming instrumental music played on harmonizing conch shells to match the young girl's lively personality.

Poseidon and his six other daughters rose from their seats, to await for the girl to enter through the doors on the other end of the room. A small proud smile on Poseidon's face, awaiting his daughters arrival knowing how proud her mother would be. 

On the last drum hit and the cue for the young mermaid to swim into the room, was met with an eerie silence.

Poseidon's smile fell and everyone glanced around confused. Just as Poseidon was about to ask Sebastian of his daughter's presence, the doors burst open and Flounder, Ariel's fish best friend, rushed through the doors.

"Arista is gone!" He shouted chaotically.

Everyone gasped and conversation grew in terror. Sebastian fainted, the six sisters were all worried, and Poseidon was met with fear calling over the guards immediately to search for his daughter.

"Father, wait!" Ariel, his second youngest, swam up to him quickly and resting her hand on his arm. "Let me search for her. I think I know where she is." She pleaded softly.

The guards swam up to the king for instructions and Poseidon looked at his daughter, debating on taking her word or sending a search party. He sighed, knowing that the two youngest girls were rather close and therefore trusted Ariel's word.

"You have until dawn." His voice stern.

Ariel nodded, letting out a sigh in relief and quickly swam off towards the open doors. She grabbed Flounder's fin while passing, dragging him along as she quickly swam out of the castle grounds. All she could think about was how lucky her younger sister was for not being caught by guards and how much she was in trouble by their father.


Arista sat on a rock near the shoreline of Prince Eric's kingdom. He and her sister were engaged to be married which meant the young mermaid didn't have to worried about being seen by the humans. Her soft red tail shimmered under the moonlight stretched out across the rock. Her arms were behind her and her head tilted back, staring up at the dancing stars in the night sky.

There was a faint smile on her lips watching a shooting star shoot across the sky. She closed her eyes, wanting to make a wish on her birthday. But there was one thing she desired more than anything, true love.

"There you are." Ariel sighed, poking her head through the water surface to see her younger sister on her favourite rock.

"Here I am." Arista responded, opening her eyes and smiling sweetly at her older sister.

"Arista, you missed your own coronation." Ariel frowned swimming closer. "Father is worried about you."

Arista's smile faded and she tilted her head back to continue staring at the night sky, watching them sparkle above her. "That was today?" She asked, dumbfounded.

"Arista." Ariel said in a warning tone. "This is all father has been talking about for weeks. Plus, I know Sebastian would never let you forget something like this." Ariel crossed her arms on the end of the rock and placed her chin on her arms. "So what is really going on?"

Arista sighed sadly. "I don't want to be Princess, Ariel. I don't want this stupid title and this stupid responsibility." Ariel frowned at the confession. "Ever since my coronation has been announced, everyone has been treating me like I am a Queen. My friends barely talk to me, Sebastian always complains about my appearance, and people bow whenever I swim past. I am sick of this royal treatment." Arista complained.

"I wish I could tell you it gets better but I don't want to lie to you." Ariel frowned.

Arista huffed. "I don't want to become a Princess." She sighed. "I don't want to grow up."

Ariel frowned sadly for her sister, hearing the distraught in her voice. "Unfortunately, it is apart of life. You can not run from your title, Arista." She stated.

Arista's eyes landed on a specific star in the sky, the second brightest one in the sky, and smiled excitedly. "But maybe I can." She mumbled under her breath.

"Just come with me. We can tell father together of what you are feeling." Ariel offered, not hearing her sisters whisper earlier.

"Give me a few minutes and I will meet you there." Arista asked, looking back at her older sister. Ariel scrunched her lips hesitating on trusting her sisters word. "I promise I will come back." Arista smiled at her sister.

Ariel returned the smile, feeling reassured of her sisters promise. She nodded and glanced at Flounder, who remained silent during the whole conversation and looks sad from Arista's confession. Ariel and Flounder disappeared under the surface, leaving Arista under the stars sitting on the rock.

Her head tilted back looking up at the star in the sky that could fix all of her issues. A place where no one grows up and a place there are no parents. A place where she could be free.


A place where mermaids are told not to go and is home to a demon boy. It was risky but it was a place all of her problems could be fixed.

"Forgive me, sister." Arista whispered. She dove into the water and swam the other direction of Atlantas, swimming towards the second star to the right. A place where all of her problems would be fixed.

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