Chapter 38

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I headed backstage. Until I got to the right one. I knock the door.

Tom: Who is it?

____: It's me ____.

Then Tom opens the door.

Tom: Come in ..

I enter. It was small but comfortable ...

Nathan saw me and then approached me.

Nathan: Hey, how was the show?

________: I loved it.

Nathan: I'm glad. Well I invited you here because I would like to invite stay in contact with you as we are from the same school and also to invite you to come to our house one day .. and spend the day with the boys and me .. we like you.

_______: Thanks! I also like you .. and of corse I'd love to keep in touch with you.

So then pulls out his phone and opens contact list and taps add and hands it to me. I write my number and I return it ..

Nathan: Thanks!

_______: Well, I think I have to go, my friends are waiting for me. -I did not want to stay there awkwardly..

Jay: Well, goodbye was a pleasure again .. :)

Nathan: We will text each other .. -and then he winks to me.

_______: Okay .. - and then I left.

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Wasn't what you expected? haha

I like that you read and enjoy enjoy thestory. No matter if there are just like three readers .. I love you lots ..

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