❁♫ one ♫❁

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This was it. Calum's first day at his new school.

New school. New life. He thought to himself as he sighed, continuing to walk down the path his parents told him to go on.

After several twists and turns, he finally arrived at his new school, Martin High.

He walked into the office, or what he thought was the office, and went up to the lady at the front desk.

She didn't seem to old, probably in her 30's for 40's. She looked up at from what she was doing and gave Calum an obvious fake smile.

"What do you need, sweetie?" She asked 'sweetly.'

"W-well I'm new here and I need my schedule and stuff.." Calum said awkwardly, looking down at his fingers.


"Calum Hood ma'am."

She began going through a pile of papers before she finally found several papers that Calum believed she was looking for. She handed them to him and explained to him about what each paper was.

After she finally stopped talking, she let Calum go as he let out a sigh of relief. It felt like she was talking for hours.

He started towards the entrance and kept his head down most of the way besides when he was trying to look for his locker. He finally spotted it, locker 964.

He walked over towards it as quick as possible, adjusting the lock. He finally managed to open it, putting all of his things in it. He felt a presence beside him as he looked over to see who it was.

A boy with blonde hair styled into a quiff stood there and if you asked Calum, he was pretty much the most beautiful thing he's seen ever. (A/N: He looks so perfect standing there)

The boy was touching his locker all over before his hand reached the lock. Calum looked at him weirdly, a bit confused.

"Uhm- hey, Can you help me around? I'm kinda new here." Calum said shyly causing the boy to jump a bit in surprise.

The boy's eyebrows furrowed as he looked around, blinking multiple times.

"Uh- Sure.. What's your name?" The blond asked, looking the opposite way Calum was standing.

"I'm Calum, Calum Hood. And is there something you're looking at?" He asked, his voice clearly full of confusion.

"O-oh, nothing." The boy said before turning around, looking over to the ground, flustered. "I'm Luke, by the way, Luke Hemmings."

"So-" Calum started before someone began calling out for Luke.

Luke's eyebrows faltered a bit into a frown as he sighed.

"I gotta go, bye. It was nice m-meeting you. I'll see you around." Luke said to him before turning around quickly. Calum waved to him awkwardly.

He watched as the blond walked through the not very full hall. He bumped into multiple people, causing Calum to be more and more confused.

Was something wrong with him? Calum thought.


A/N: So this is my second fanfic I'm writing and I'm actually really excited for this! This chapter was really crappy and I'm sorry.

I'll try to update this often but I'm writing another book too called Twisted, you can check it out if you want to. It's another cake fanfic. (:

I'll try updating this on Fridays, Sunday's, and Tuesday's

and I'll try updating Twisted on Thursdays, Saturday's and Monday's.

and Wednesday could be either(:

-Diana <3

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