❁♫ two ♫❁

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"Um- I-I'm Calum, Calum Hood." Calum said in front of his maths class, rubbing the back of his neck with his palm awkwardly. There was only one person he recognised in his class, Luke.

The teacher let him go as she told him to sit wherever he wanted, but there was only one free seat which was, of course, next to Luke. How cliché, right?

He sat in the desk, settling himself so that he felt comfortable.

"Hey, Luke right?" Calum whispered over to Luke causing him to look up in confusion.

"Y-yeah.." Luke awkwardly whispered back to where he thought the voice came from.

"I-it's me, Calum, the one that asked you if you could show me around?"

"Yeah, I know.." Little did Calum know, Luke thought he had the most angelic and unique voice ever.

Calum nodded before smiling over at him. He watched as Luke looked back down at his paper, trailing his hand down his desk before picking up the pencil once his hand reached it. Calum continued to watch him as his paper began to get filled with random drawings by Luke. Calum furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he tilted his head a bit. They weren't exactly drawings, but if you wanted to call random lines and deformed letters that, then I guess.

"What're you drawing?" Calum whispered over to him, causing him to stop.

"I don't really know. I-" Luke was cut off in the middle of his sentence from the sound of their teacher clearing her throat.

"Do you two have something to share with us?" She asked, hands on her hips and eyebrows raised.

"N-no, sorry." Calum said, turning his body around so he was facing the board.


It was now lunch, and Calum was just wandering around the lunch tables, trying to find somewhere to sit.

He finally spotted a blond that he was pretty much searching for. He walked over to where he was sitting, seeing that he had no one with him.

"Would it be okay if I sat here?" He asked, an eyebrow raised.

"I-I guess," Luke said, his hands starting to sweat a bit. That was one of Luke's bad habits. When he was nervous, his hands would start sweating.

"Sorry about getting you in trouble in class, by the way," Calum said as he sat himself across from the boy.

"It's fine.." Luke murmured as he fiddled with his fingers under the table.

"So Luke, tell me about yourself," he finally said, starting to take out a sandwich from his backpack.

"Oh- um.. There's not much that you'd need to know but, I'm blind, and well I have been for I think, two months now?" He said, his eyebrows furrowing as he had his head facing the table.

Oh wow. Explains a lot now, Calum's mind said, except, it wasn't just his mind.

"Yeah.." Luke replied, nodding his head a bit causing Calum to facepalm himself for thinking out loud.

They stayed in silence for a bit, Luke tapping his fingers on the table, unaware of his surroundings as Calum began to eat his sandwich.

"Do you not have any lunch?" He suddenly asked without thinking.

"I- um- no, I don't usually-I forgot my lunch," he stumbled over his words, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks as he realised how stupid he sounded.

"You're adorable," Calum commented in his head, but it really wasn't just in his head. You could say Calum had a habit of thinking out loud. His eyes widened in realisation as he blushes softly, putting down his sandwich for a moment.

"Th-thanks," Luke stuttered a bit causing him to mentally face palm himself for it.

"I-uh sorry- I'm- you're welcome," he stumbled over his words, shaking his head to himself at how ridiculous he sounded. Luke thought it was cute though, how flustered he sounded. He looked down at his lap, smiling softly to himself.

Little did Luke and Calum know, they were going to change each other's life completely.

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A/N: sorry it took a while to update this!! I've been procrastinating a lot lately haha :-)) thanks for reading this guys x love you (:


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