❁♫ five ♫❁

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The feeling just never left.

The jealousy only got worse from there.

Michael and Luke. He hated hearing those two names together. He only wanted to here Calum and Luke.

He just wanted it to be the two of them. But guess things don't always go the way you want.

It was finally lunch time, Calum was sitting at him and Luke's usual lunch table, awaiting the blond's arrival.

But of course, Calum was left there after thirty minutes, all alone at lunch until he eventually gave up, knowing the boy was probably some where Michael.

He sighed, getting up from where he was and just started walking. He didn't know where he was going, but he didn't care.

He pushed through the double-doors, shoving a hand in his pocket while running his fingers through his hair with his other. He just didn't want to be in school, that's all. But he obviously didn't want to be there because he was jealous and just wasn't in the mood to see Luke.

He still had no idea where he was going, that is, until he stopped at the bleachers, shoving his other hand into his pocket. He climbed onto it, sitting down as he watched a group of people play football (coughs soccer)

He smiled to himself, remembering when he helped play football with Luke. His smile faltered as he remembered. He missed him. And it wasn't even a full day that he hasn't seen him. But he still missed him. He grabbed his backpack, unzipping it and pulling out a notebook. He opened it until he got to a blank page, pulling out a pen.

Ever since the day that we met,
I couldn't stop thinking of you.

He looked down at the first two lines written, furrowing his eyebrows as he felt unsatisfied with the lyrics.

He scribbled at the second line, letting out a sigh. He tapped the pen multiple times, thinking of something that could possibly be better. But Luke wouldn't get out of his head. That's it.

I couldn't get you out of my head

He wrote down, a small smile on his face. He continued to think, glancing up at the sky before quickly looking back down at the lyrics.

There was always something ab-

"H-hey can I sit with you?" A small voice popped out of nowhere, causing Calum to jump, quickly closing his notebook. He put a hand over his chest, looking up to see a boy with sandy-coloured hair and long, curly locks.

"Holy shit, you scared me," he said, chuckling a bit to himself as he tried to get himself together.

"Sorry, I tend to do that a lot, especially to my mum," he said, shaking his head at himself as he let out a small laugh. Calum scooted over, making room for the boy. He sat down beside him, glancing over at his notebook.

"So whatcha writing?" He suddenly asked, attempting to break the awkward tension.

"Just something stupid," he said, scratching the back of his neck.

"I bet it isn't, can I see?" He asked, looking up at Calum. His grip on his notebook tightened as he hesitated.

"It's not really done yet, maybe some other time?" He asked more than stated as he quirked an eyebrow nervously to himself.

"Alright," he shrugged before, tapping his fingers onto his leg almost impatiently. "Well I'm Ashton by the way," he said, offering Calum a smile.

"And I'm Calum," he said, grinning back.

"So what're you doing out here? I mean, isn't it your lunch period?" He questioned curiously.

Calum chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Well long story short I was waiting for my friend where I usually wait for him and he never showed up, probably went to hang out with that new Michael dude," he said, mumbling the last part.


"Yup," he simply nodded, looking up at the sandy-haired boy.

"The new guy right?" He asked, almost anxiously.

"Yeah the one with the coloured hair."

"Iactuallythinkheskindacute," Ashton said quickly, his cheeks heating up a bit.

"Sorry, what was that?" Calum questioned, glancing up at the boy.

"Aha it's nothing," he said, before attempting to change the subject. "So who's your friend?"

"His name's Luke," he said, sighing quietly to himself.

"Is he the blind one?" He asked, Calum quickly nodding after.

"Wait I've seen you two around a lot, you guys dating? You seem like a couple." He said, nudging Calum as he wiggled his eyebrows.

I wish. Wait what?

"Huh? w-what no," he said, now it was his turn to blush.

"What really?" He said, almost like he was disappointed. "Oh but do you like him?" He asked, continuing to playfully nudge the boy.

"No, he's just a friend," but I'd love for him to be more than that. His mind spoke otherwise.

"Oh w-" he got cut off by the sound of the school bell ringing causing them to both stand up.

"Well I'll see you later?" Calum asked, Ashton nodding as he began to get off the bleachers.

"Oh wait!"

"Yes?" Calum turned around to the boy.

"Here's my number, you can text me so we can talk about you and your man crush." He said, winking playfully as he handed the raven-haired boy a piece of paper.

Man crush.

"Well, thanks I'll text you," he said, smiling as he began walking away. His cheeks reddened even more, shaking his head at the boy's comment.

But the funny thing is,

he never denied anything about him and his 'man crush.'


A/N: Hey guys :-) so I felt the need to update and stuff but this chapter was rlly boring so I apologise. I hope it wasn't too bad! Love you all loads xx

I'll try updating again soon ;)

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