♭♭ Sakura Message 𝄪 (7)

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   May you ask the agency about me and Nanase-san dating? We just wanna mak sure it's okay

Yes I will! Thank you for reminding me Iori-san!

You're welcome, Manager

"She'll ask the agency, I wonder what our fans would think about this. It could possibly have a big impact on IDOLiSH7 and us" Riku nods tiredly. "I should probably let you continue sleeping, I'll be back in a couple hours"

  Iori pushes Riku down gently letting him lay down on the bed, "Mkayy.." his eyes shut and he fell asleep. Iori smiles and gives him a small kiss on the forehead.

  He gets up and walks out the hospital. He grabs his phone out of his pocket an opens up Momo's Rabbichat.


Sunohara-san, are you available?

I'll be available in a hour! >.< please be patient I'm sorry! °)ǃ

It's alright Sunohara-san, I understand about the work

Please call me Momo! ('')

Ah- sorry Momo

Jk!! Call me whatever! ( ̄▽ ̄)~*

Please get to work now

Okay!! ٩(̀́)ᵇʸᵉ

Bye bye, Momo

He turns off his phone and puts it in his pocket, he goes to a restaurant to eat breakfast at. He walks in and sees Isumi Haruka. Another student at his school and is also the center of ZOOL.

  "Isumi-san, hello there" Iori says in his usual calm voice. "Eh!? The younger Izumi! What do you want?" Haruka was wearing a black hoodie with jeans. "Just stopping by to get something to eat"

"Shouldn't you be at work..?" Haruka questions, "I'm off today" Iori already grabbed glasses from Riku's bag, he always had extra glasses in his bag to disguise himself and the other members. Riku also let him have his bag for the day.

Iori walks up to the counter and orders a breakfast sandwich. He grabs the sandwhich when it was ready for pick up and sits at the table where Haruka was sitting.

"W-Why are you sitting with me!? Shouldn't you be sitting alone like you always do??" Haruka grabs his coffee and takes a sip out of it.

  "Shouldn't you be studying? You and Yotsuba-san have been asking for alot of help. You've been asking Minami for help alot as well is what i also heard"

  "Shut up!" he takes another sip of his coffee, a little more aggressive this time. "I only asked cause I don't understand!"

  Iori sighs and puts his sandwich down on the table, "What're you here for anyway?" Haruka mumbles the first part a little.

  "Like I said, I'm just getting something to eat" Iori gazes his eyes over to Haruka's, Haruka puffed a little knowing that he should start studying.

  "Can you at least help me with this..? I've been struggling... B-but! It's not like I'm taking your stupid paragraph advice!" his cheeks turned pink from embarrassment as he shows Iori his paper full of work and math problems.

  Iori sighs and nods, "Ah, you messed up here. This equals 16, and then you do this" Haruka watches Iori's finger moving around showing him what to do.

  Haruka does a practice problem while Iori zones out a little, he was thinking about the little red head. Nanase Riku of course.

  He couldn't stop thinking about Riku, everywhere he went, even school and work. Riku was just always in his mind. His bright smile that cheers everyone up, the way he tries his best no matter what. Everything about Riku was stuck in Iori's head, he couldn't explain it.

  "Izumi! Izumi!!" Haruka snaps his fingers in front of Iori's face, Iori snapped back to reality. "Ah- sorry, what is it?" Iori looks at Haruka in the eyes, "It's about Nanase is it? Pffttt! Pathetic love!" Haruka laughs.

  "Like you'll ever find love, not even the other ZOOL members want you" Haruka opens his mouth to say something then closes it.

  "Say what you were gonna say" Iori's eyes gazes towards the other yet again, the other puffs and sighs. "Go for it, i-im not the best at this but.. Go for it, if he makes you happy then go for it!" Haruka's cheeks turn pink from embarrassment again. He looks away hiding his embarrassment.

  "O-of course I'm not helping you! I-im just saying go for it!" Iori smiles a little, "I'll go for it, the agency is gonna know and we'll see. Thank you, Isumi"

  "Welcome.. I'm done with the practice problem" Haruka puts his hand on the paper and pushes towards Iori for him to look at.

  Iori feels his phone vibrates and looks at it. "Ah- sorry Isumi, can we do this later? I have to talk to Momo"

  "Momo? You don't mean.."

  "Yes, that Momo. Now please excuse me" Iori walks out the restaurant throwing away the napkin he had and putting on a mask as a disguise while heading out.

  "Hello, Momo"

  "Hii! What do you need?"

"Some more.. Advice. About, you know. Love"

  "Why do you ask again? You've figured it out"


  "Loving someone means you care deeply for them and always want them at all times"

"That's it...?"

"Mhm! You got it! If the agency approves then I'm proud along with Yuki!"

Iori smiles behind the mask he had on.

"Thank you, Momo"

"You're welcome!!"

Iori could hear the excitement in Momo's voice, he knew Momo would support both him and Riku.

"You got to get going now don't you? I'll leave you to it!"

"Ah yes, I need to get back to the hospital"

"Okay! Bye bye! Remember me and Yuki support you both!"

"Bye bye"

Iori hangs up and crosses the cross walk he was at, then headed straight towards the hospital. Once he got in there he headed straight to Riku's room.

  "Nanase-san" he quietly said opening the door slightly and peeking in. He was awake and Nagi was in the room with him, "OH! Iori~!" Nagi said waving his right hand. Iori opens the door fully and walks in.

"Iori!" he heard the red head say, "Are you doing alright Nanase-san?" Iori asks sitting on a bench. "I'm doing perfectly fine! No need to worry" Riku puffs a little.

"The agency said something as well" Riku says grabbing his phone off the table and opening the Rabbichat Tsugumi sent him.

  He showed him the chat.

  "The agency said yes..!" Iori was surprised.

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