Nakano pov

The next day

I was watching a video that Takuya sent me while walking to school, showing Takemichy breaking up the fight between Mikey and Draken, it was kind of funny on how was trying to fight Mikey and even grabbed Draken. Looks like he picked up some of my spunk and took my words to heart because never in a million years would he go after them like that.

"Bold but badass, Crybaby, told you that you can do it". I said with a small smile, my smile soon faded when I thought about what I had to do and what I'm leaving behind. I managed to get Izana-kun's number from Hebi, I'll get Kazutora's number later from Baji-kun.

"I haven't talked to Izana-kun since the incident, Mikey banned me from seeing him again. He's like a big brother to me and helped me deal with Shini-kun's death by sending me letters but when he went to juvie, we lost contact". I said to myself, I looked ahead and saw a group of 3 standing in the way.

"Excuse me, your in the way". I said, they looked at me before going back to what they were doing, I grew a tick mark.

"Excuse me, I need to pass". I said but more firmly.

'It's too early for this bullshit'. I thought.

"Go around then, bitch". One said.

"Listen here you bastards, it's too early for this shit and I'm in a very bad mood, it's either you move or I'll do it for you". I said in monotone, they scoffed and continued to ignore me.

'That's it!'. I thought.

"I. Said. Move!". I said angrily as I ran over to one and socked him in the jaw, knocking him out before he hit the ground, breaking his jaw in the process, I looked sharply at the other 2, making them flinch by my dark look.

"Are you gonna move now or do I have to knock your ass out too!?". I said sharply, they flinched again but backed off.

"That's what I thought". I said before I stepped on the unconscious guy's head and continued walking.

"I swear on Mikey, if this gets worse through out the day, I gonna fuckin' loose it". I mumbled under my breath.


I fuckin' jinxed myself, on the rest of the way to school a group of gang members tried to jump me, I of course kicked their asses but I still got punched a few times, good thing I was still pissed, I went a little overboard though so I called an ambulance for them. When I got to school, I got a text from Kouki that I needed to come in today right afterschool and for the rest of the week and the weekend. Haruchi himself got jumped and didn't come to school, not a call from him, nothing at all. Made me a little worried. being bullied in school and abused at home made me question his mental state, I'll take the risk to check up on him at the house... sneaky style.

I put my phone away as I entered school, the reason I was suspended was because I got back at the girl from before that ran off when I was fighting with Smiley and Angry. She was being cocky so I whooped her ass afterschool, it was worth it.

"Welcome back, Tsukumo...".

"Yeah, whatever". I said plainly to the teacher as I walked in class, I sat down at my desk and then looked out the window.

'I think it would be best to transfer schools with Haruchi since I'm going to move. I haven't contacted my grandparents in a long while, maybe they could help me with Haruchi'. I thought, I looked through my contacts and saw that I did save their number, I'll call during lunch.

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