Before leaving

Twitch pov

"You poor thing, your head is bleeding, are you ok?". I asked a tied up Tetta, he was cuffed to the metal gate, gagged and more beaten up, looks like he put up a fight. He looked up and he froze with fear, his body starting to shake.

"What's the matter? do I scare you that much? I'm hurt". I said in humor, I motioned the others to leave, they saluted before they left. I walked towards Tetta and grabbed a handkerchief from my back pocket which made him more scared and tried to escape as I knelt down to his level.

I took it out which made him flinch with a small whimper as he closed his eyes tightly shut, I let out a short breath as I took off my mask and set it down before cleaning the blood off his face.

"Relax, if I wanted you dead, you would be". I said calmly, he slowly opened his eyes, he felt his heart skip a beat when he came into contact with her ocean blue eyes, the look he burned into his memory ever since she left him, he was truly madly in love with her but she also terrified him, down to the bone, but, he just can't stay away from her.

"Baji-kun really did put a number on you, your head must be pounding like crazy, even your glasses broke". I said softly as I placed my thumb under one of his eyes and moved it back and forth softly, the sweet gesture, the touch he longed to feel, sent a shiver down his back.

"Sorry for doing this out of the blue, I just wanted to see you without being seen, I really missed you, you know? my idiot cousin is trying to keep you away from me, looks like you agreed to it as well". I said, he tried to speak but it came out muffled as I grabbed the key to the cuffs and tossed it next to his hand, he immediately grabbed it and tried to free himself.

"Looks like someone else important to me hates me too, for you to ignore me for 3 years with no contact, I really suffered because you weren't there to comfort me... if this is what you want, then so be it, I'll find someone else, seeing you got a new special person in your life". I said in a fake sad tone.

'No! No! No! No! No! please, not again! Not again! I can't do it again!'. He thought in panic as he struggled to unlock the cuffs.

"Don't worry, I understand why you would leave, I really am a bad person, and I'm also certain my cousin said some dark stuff about me for you to keep your distance, that I manipulate you and those around me. Just your reaction to seeing me is proof enough that your afraid of me, I'll leave now, take care of yourself, Kisaki". I said as I heard him take off one of the cuffs, I got up and walked off, knowing his next move.

"For what it's worth, I treasured our moments together, Kisaki. Have fun with Shuji and my cousin". I said plainly, I could hear the cuffs falling to the ground and then running footsteps getting closer till I felt him grab my wrist and pulled me back, his other hand around my waist.

"Please, don't say that! don't give up on me, I-I did all of this for you, you know that right!?". He pleaded.

"By trying to destroy Toman? who told you I wanted that!?". I said, I used my free arm to elbow him in the face, making him let go and fall to the ground with a gasp of pain.

"I-It wasn't my intention, I swear!...".

"Wasn't your intention!? you used Kazutora and manipulated him to stab Baji-kun, use Shini-kun's death against Mikey! making them fight each other! all that for me!? you did it for your damn self! not for me!". I said angrily, he sat up and held his bloody nose.

"Are you trying to piss me off!? the nerve of you to bring up Shini-kun's death, are you deliberately trying to hurt me!? it's this your true intentions!?...".

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