Nakano pov

The next day

"Why did you pick this dress, ma? I told you I'm riding my bike". I said as I walked out of the hospital with Haruchi, I had Hinata go with my grandma to my apartment to get some clothes for me to change into, bad mistake.

 I said as I walked out of the hospital with Haruchi, I had Hinata go with my grandma to my apartment to get some clothes for me to change into, bad mistake

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"Where are you going?". Grandpa asked curiously.

"I promised Haruchi that I would take him out for some Boba and dinner". I said as I looked through my purse to make sure I had everything.

"We're supposed to meet your uncle...".

We'll be back by then, we also have to register for the new school and I need to find a new apartment". I said.

"And you'll be done by 8?". Grandma asked.

"Of course, I'm a quick person, if something holds us back, I'll call". I said as I looked at them.

"You can do this another day, dear". Grandma said.

"I'm going to be busy for the rest of the week and won't have time to get to it, better to do it now while I have time to do it". I said.

"You know where the new house is?". Grandpa asked.


"Of course, I'll drop him off when we're done, don't worry". I said.

"Alright then, be careful and call if something happens". He said, grandma huffed in anger.

"I give up!". She said angrily before she went to the car, grandpa winked at me before he left, I looked at Haruchi.

"Well, we got the day to ourselves, what do you want to do first?". I asked, he looked at me.

"You thought I forgot, huh? I was the secretary of Toman, I don't forget". I said before I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the parking lot.

"Let's get going! a day of happiness and being spoiled awaits you little brother!". I said cheerfully, he looked at my hand as he was being pulled along.

"I'm starved! let's go eat and then get Boba, I've been craving for one since yesterday!". I said, he only did a nod in response.

'It's a start'. I thought, we got to the parking lot and went to where my baby was, I grabbed a helmet and gave it to him.

"Put it on and hold on tight, I'm a fast rider". I said as I got on and turned it on, he gulped nervously before he put it on and got on, he held on tight to my waist.

"Ready?". I asked as I tied my hair up and put my sunglasses on, he nodded.

"Alright, let's roll!". I said before I rode off, I felt his hold tighten which made me chuckle a bit by how nervous he was.

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