Nana pov

After we finished lunch, Hebi and I walked Haru to his next class before walking to ours, there were whispers from the students, most were shocked that not only Hebi was with me but walking a bit behind me, and my classmates were even more shocked and wondered who I was outside of school, one, in particular, was even more interest in me, what he saw at lunch and my connection to Hebi, his interest was peaked. It was the last class and Mr. Aizawa let us have the free class to do what we wanted, he left for the teacher's lounge so it was just us here.

"It was cool how you handle those bullies Nana-san!". The green-haired kid said in awe.

"Who are you?". I asked.

"Oh, I'm Izuku Midoriya". He said.

"He's a nerd and calls him Deku". Hebi said from across the room, Izuku's face turn red.

"Then you should take lessons from him, seeing as you were held back a year". I retorted, he rolled his eyes.

"I had better things to do than study".

"That's why you flunked, even Baji-kun is smarter than you". I said.

"Hey!". He said, taking it as an insult since he knows who Baji is. I looked at Izuku.

"Ignore him, anyway, why do they call you Deku?". I asked curiously.


"I gave him that nickname, extra". A spikey blonde said.


"I don't remember asking you, is your name Izuku? and if you call me that one more time, you'll be like that kid from the lunchroom, you're no different". I said, he clicked his tongue.

"If you don't got nothing nice to say to her then fuck off, Katsuki". Hebi said calmly.

"I ain't gonna do nothing". He said.

"Then quit your shit, if Midori catches you fuckin with her then you'll deal with him". He said.

"Catch who messing with who?". Midori asked as he walked in, everyone soon got stiff and tense.

"No one, don't worry about it". I said boredly.

"I see you've made your mark on the first day". He said, I shrugged.

"They started". I said, he then noticed Katsuki by me.

"What are you doing? starting your shit already?". He said, Katsuki flinched.

"He reminds me of Baji-kun, leave him alone, don't ruin my fun". I said calmly as I waved him off.

"If you say so". He said as he eyed him one more time before looking at a kid with purple hair.

"You fuckin touch her or do any of your perverted shit and I find out about it, I'll make your death look like an accident, you understand me?". He threatened, the kid nodded in fear.

'That must be Mineta... he looks like a perverted little shit'. I thought.

"While you are at it, can you check up on Haruchi?". I asked, he looked at me.

"I was going to anyway, I can't have him distract you". He said, he looked at Hebi who stood up and left with him.

"Sorry about that". I said with a smile, they all let out a breath.

"How do you know them?". Izuku asked nervously.

"Under dire circumstances, mostly unfortunate". I explained shortly as I placed my chin on the palm of my hand, my elbow on the table.

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