Part 4- "Poisoned..."

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I met up with Lunar and Rainbow during dinner, and surprisingly Lady Gisela was joining us today. Her face was lit up with a bright smile, probably because Draco and Funneh were gone. They were quite the handful for her. But looking at that grin on her face made me wanna punch my fist in her stomach.

"So...Alec is gone?" asked Lunar, processing the information in her brain. I nodded. "He left while I took the students to class." Lady Gisela snorted- a rare thing for her to do. "Oh that man was a brat, he's always a messy boy. Same goes for Kat and Allen." Then she looked at us with a twinkle in her eyes. "Unlike you 3, you all have grown into beautiful women thanks to me!" Lunar rolled her eyes, I coughed back a retort and Rainbow gagged like she ate vinegar.

Dinner was slowly brought out and we ate a splendid meal of steak, mashed potatoes and caviar. "Any plans after dinner?" asked Lunar as she took a bite of mashed potato. "Library is the stop for me," said Rainbow with a mouthful of steak. "I'm gonna read till bedtime." Lady Gisela gave her a stern glare. "Don't speak with your mouth full Betty!" she reprimanded. "Sorry, Lady Gisela," muttered Rainbow. 

Lunar looked at me. "What about you?" I waved her off. "Sorry, give me a moment," I replied. Then I held up my empty water glass. "Can someone help me get a refill?" I asked. Lady Gisela stood up. "I'd be delighted," she said cheerily, taking my glass and walking off. Me, Lunar and Rainbow stared at each other. "Is it me, or is Lady Gisela do I say this...bubbly?" asked Lunar, rubbing her eyes. I shrugged. "Maybe."

Lady Gisela came back with my glass and she set it in front of me. I thanked her and took a sip. "As I was saying, I'm going to-"

I stopped, because a migraine was flaring between my eyes. The room started spinning in circles and I swayed uncontrollably. My stomach felt like something was crushing it, and I could barely breathe. The voices in the rooms were blurs in the background. I felt sick. Maybe I was sick? I felt my forehead and it was burning. My eyes glazed over and my knees gave way. I collapsed on the floor, writhing in pain. I heard my name being called many times.




I didn't know if I could even speak, let alone cry. But my lips parted and I released one word.


Then the blackness tossed me into the void.

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