Part 3- It's A Suspicion

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I pulled the door to the classroom and the smell of chalk and old books wafted into my nose. I inhaled a deep breath, I really missed this smell in like, ages. Students sat in desks lined neatly in rows, but none were doing their work. All of them were either chatting, staring into space or doodling.

The classes were held in different time stamps, as we only had 3 teachers enrolled. Now, as it is 12 noon, the afternoon class is being held now. The classroom was once a guest room, but I had people come and redesign the place to look like 1 of the classrooms in the school we once had.

The mentor, a friend of Lady Gisela, was by the board writing some questions with a piece of chalk. She looked old, like extremely old, but unlike Lady Gisela, she didn't bother to cover her wrinkles with makeup. Honestly, she looked better than Lady Gisela, with her bright open face and pearly smile. "Excuse me?" I asked politely. "Are you Lady Evelyn?" The mentor- aka Lady Evelyn- stopped writing. "Oh your highness," she said, bowing. "What brings you to the class?"

I got down to business immediately. "I'd like to inform you that 2 of your students- Avani Brighteon and Aaron Brighteon- were bullying a fellow student." I gestured to Olivia, who was shrinking down by the second.

Lady Evelyn stared, and then laughed. "No your highness," she said. "Avani and Aaron are angels! They are so kind and helpful! On the other hand..." Lady Evelyn glared at Olivia. "This lady here is always in trouble. Never handing in her assignments on time."

I gaped. I couldn't pick a feeling. Shocked, confused, speechless, I don't know.

"Lady Evelyn, is it true? Is it real?" I asked. She nodded. "It's as real as the nose in front of my face." My stomach swirled, there was no way Olivia could be the troublemaker.

Lady Evelyn continued. "In fact, Olivia still hasn't handed in her work from 2 days ago. She always- I'm saying always- doesn't listen."

I frowned and studied Olivia. Now that I'm closer, I realize that Olivia is the daughter of Lenna, my late mom's lady in waiting and best friend. It seems a little weird for someone to choose their best friend as a servant, but I'm telling you, Lenna is anything but mean.

An idea popped into my head and I grinned.

"Can I see the first and most recent assignments from the 3 of them?" I queried as innocently as my body allowed.

"I-I can assure you that-"

"No. I insist, Lady Evelyn," I interrupted firmly, shooting daggers at her with my eyes. 

Lady Evelyn sighed and began rummaging through her desk drawers, riffling through hundreds of books and papers. And for a moment I saw a bag of Doritos? Oh dear I have to change this mentor soon. I added it into my mental to-do list before I forget.

A moment later, Lady Evelyn pulled out 6 sheets of work from the 3 of them. I took them and laid them out on the table.

Olivia's assignment was in small neat handwriting, as if it was printed. Avani and Aaron's work, on the other hand, were messy and doodled around. Aaron's work even had holes poked in it. Then I examined the recent assignments. A small smile appeared on my face, my conclusion was correct.

I waved the papers in front of Lady Evelyn's nose. "Just as I thought," I said. "Avani and Aaron haven't been doing their assignments at all. Olivia was the one who did their work." I handed Lady Evelyn the papers and she gasped. Avani and Aaron's papers were done in neat handwriting, not unlike Olivia's.

As I finished, a beat of silence followed. Then applause. I looked at the class and saw all of the students erupt into clapping and cheering. I sheepishly waved at them and winked.

"I...I didn't know," stammered Lady Evelyn. I gave her a serene smile. "Now you know not to accuse people just because they don't finish work in time."

Lady Evelyn turned to Olivia and said," I'm sorry Olivia. I didn't mean to be so rude to you." Olivia smiled and nodded. "No worries, Lady Evelyn," replied Olivia. Lady Evelyn smiled back and turned to Avani and Aaron, her open face closing up and her eyes glinting. "You 2, I'm so disappointed in you all," she reprimanded. "As punishment, you 2 are going to spend the rest of the week writing 'I will never lie and hide in the future,' a thousand times. And count on me to notify your parents." 

Avani and Aaron's jaws dropped to the ground and they shamefully bowed their heads. "Sorry, Lady Evelyn," they muttered. Lady Evelyn sharply glared at them and clapped her hands. "Alright class, that's enough drama for today," she said. "Focus on your assignments now, or you'll write lines too." The class, mortified by her words, immediately went to work. And that was my cue to leave. I bowed to Lady Evelyn and left the class.

I was gonna walk upstairs when Rainbow suddenly ran up to me, panting hard. "G...Gold!" she yelled. "Yes?" I replied. Rainbow used 1 hand to wipe the sweat from her forehead and the other to shove a piece of paper into my hands. I skimmed the message and gasped. 

Dear Gold,
I don't think being head guard is a good job for me. I really appreciate it, but everything seems wrong without Funneh. Her laugh, her smile, her jokes, her voice.
I will go and look for Funneh by my own. I don't care if she is alive or dead or whatsoever. I just need to look for her.
Don't bother finding me, and do me a favor by making Kyran the head guard. 
I'm gonna miss you and the rest. But I'm doing what's right.

A tsunami of emotions crashed on me as I read the note. I was worried, mad, upset, scared and sad. I looked at Rainbow. "Find Kyran and tell him he's upgraded to head guard. Show him the note and fill him in on the duty. Once it's official, find Lunar and tell her the news." Rainbow nodded, grabbed the note and rushed off.

I sighed and turned away. Then as I was walking up the stairs, I froze. A troubling thought just came to me.

How many more people are missing now?

Or the better question many more loved ones am I losing now?

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