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"Now go go go!" Mrs Lee's voice ushered you. You gripped on the dining glass trolley tighter. "I am, my lady." You could only reply softly. Your attention was focused on the view of the huge narrow hall towards you. Your mouth was agape  because of the sight.

The view in front of your tired eyes was dazzling, so much that you'd forgotten where it was leading you.

Sweet lord...This is beyond beautiful! Praise and shock filled your mind.

The lady guided you through the Golden wing of the palace. It was the most luxurious wing out of all of the huge, magnificent palace or as you heard when the people in the royal kitchen were gushing about it.

This is where the king resides. And now you were seeing it, The view was new for you. You hadn't ever seen anything even close to it in your life. This was a view of a lifetime. Busan was infamous for many things, but its architecture, flowers and the imperial palace's remarkable beauty were most talked about all around Corea.
You had heard tales about it from your father. When he used to travel around it to buy its infamous unique flower seeds for his flower shop,

Back in Gaegyeong.

They made it famous around your hometown.
Your fathers flower shop was a people's favorite, because it had a variety of different and unique flowers, especially from busan.

You and your father harbored a special love for flowers and plants. Maybe  you got it from him because your mother and sister were more interested in cooking. You were lucky enough to possess the talent of cooking from your beloved mother.

But your interests were always focused on flowers. Flowers were special to you, they made your bond with your father more special. The lovely memories of you always helping him out in the shop were something you cherished deeply, especially now.

Your father called you his snowdrop.

After the trip to the garden, the royal garden, made your memories more vivid.

It was painful. But there was nothing here to regret anymore. Nothing could change your reality, especially not regret. Strong is what you needed to be, your family would have wanted for you to survive.

And you will.

Your eyes slowly snapped back to reality and your attention was focused on the Imperial wing again. It was amusing for you, that out of all the dozen servants in this palace, you were chosen to attend to the emperor, tonight. Even after such an awkward interaction. And you were unable to avoid that, because now you were standing somewhere Only the servants of the king could come.

Golden was all you could see, the color only made the beauty of the unique architecture stand out, It was eye blinding. The beautiful shades illuminated on the clean floors, mimicking the color.

It made the halls look like a fantasy world. "Do not slack off, girl. You should make sure that the king eats in peace, bring whatever he will want, make sure he has a nice meal." You did not choose to reply this time, only nodding at her instructions. What was he? An infant?
The only thing that was still left in you was the resentment you felt towards the emperor. Life was ironic, You did not care for him one but and here you were, being instructed to do that. Your heart was vibrating inside your chest, anxiety was slowly bubbling up, the thought of being in the same room as him made your insides twist.

How were you going to survive that, you weren't sure.

But there was a part inside you that soothed your anxious nerves, this was only the last task for today, then you could come back.
And it wasn't like you were going to him as his bed warmer for the night.

The Conqueror | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now