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The next morning had brought you some physical energy, last night was both physically and mentally draining for you, but today you felt a little okay. In fact, you had been so tired that you'd forgotten about na-yeon. Where was she? You couldn't look for her.

You had been called again, what did Mrs Lee want from you?  Horror filled your mind, did the King complain about you? Were you going to be expelled? Closing your eyes, while fixing your hair, you thought about the events of last night. Maybe it wasn't the best move to literally run away from the "great king" when he called out for you, but it was an impulsive decision.

And you weren't the smartest when anxious. Your teeth munched on your dry lips, just, why were you so stupid? Dread suffused you.
It was like trouble was head over heels for you.
Nothing ever went in your favour? First, Your family getting killed in front of your eyes and you were unable to do anything, to those who had their faces covered in black veils. And then, Becoming a slave of the one you hated, the one who was the reason for all of your misery. "Y/N!" Your heart skipped a beat as you turned around at the familiar voice calling out your name, your eyes widened. It was na-yeon! She quickly ran towards you, Your eyebrows furrowed. "Where were you?!?"

You whispered in a stern tone, As she finally stopped and looked right ahead at you. "I was stuck in the brown wing..." she replied to you, a somber expression passed in her eyes, but quickly disappeared. "B-Brown wing?" You felt clueless at the moment. "You don't know? It's the harem, basically!" She replied, your lips did an 'O' expression at the information. "He has a harem?" Curiosity got the best of you. "Oh yes, I mean right now... it was empty. Which was weird... but I was called there along with a bunch of other girls to help clean it..." she drifted into thinking deeply. You only raised your eyebrows at her.

"What are you thinking so deeply about? Okay, he has a harem? But doesn't every single king?" You scoffed. This wasn't worth your time. "And do you know how worried I was when I was unable to find you?" She smiled at you. "Y/N... I came back last night. But I couldn't find you. Where were you?" She playfully hit you.
Right. "Oh..." looking down, you wondered how you were going to explain all of the mess.
Would she believe you? Or would she make fun of you? Inhaling a deep breath, you looked up at her.

Well, she deserved to know. "I-I was at the golden wing...." Exhaling, you waited for her reaction. She had stopped smiling, it was like she had gone still, "Na-Yeon..?" You gently shook her when she didn't respond, "are you okay?" You repeated again. Thankfully, this time she moved. "G-Golden wing?!??!" Her tone was full of disbelief. The size of her hazel pupils had dilated as your words sank in. "G-GOLDEN WING?!?? Y/N GOLDEN WING?!?" You flinched at her sudden unexpected reaction. "Yes, the golden wing. I was chosen to attend to the king last night?" It wasn't a big deal? Was it? "Y/N... do you realise how much of a big deal it is?!?" Na-Yeon looked at you like you had grown two heads.

What was wrong with her? "I don't care, Na-Yeon. Now that you're here, I've got to go. Mrs lee must be looking for me."

You weren't going to have this discussion with her again. And she got the hint. Na-Yeon nodded at you, and You turned around to leave.
Finding Mrs lee wasn't that hard. "Y/N." You bowed down to her, in respect, she was the oldest and the most senior servant in the palace. "Yes. My lady?"Anxiety ran through your veins. You were going to be punished. The way she called out your name was void of any emotion.
You couldn't even tell her intention. "You have to go to the royal garden, and call Gardener Dongmin to come see me? I hope you understand clearly."

Your heart thumped with relief. You closed your eyes and took a breath of relief. "Yes ma'am!" Thank god! You were saved. The Almighty blessed you with mercy. "Okay, go." For once in your life, you felt grateful for her dismissive attitude.

The Conqueror | J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now