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All of the girls along with you, stood with firm postures. You could feel the girl next to you tremble.  Her body was shaking like it was standing naked in the harsh breezes of cold weather in the winter. You couldn't bring yourself to blame her though, your heart was shaking inside your chest, The atmosphere of the big hall was anything but calming, anxiety and fear ran through your veins, God. You wanted nothing more than to escape this large castle, but it seemed like it was impossible. It wasn't like you hadn't already tried to, you couldn't. You failed every single time.

Now all you felt was helplessness.

You did not want to be here. You were taken forcibly against your will, You couldn't help but look down, at your feet, the view of the pale marble floor blurring as your gaze focused on your feet. Your mind went through the events that changed your life forever in a span of seven days.

The events that brought you here, in the castle of king jeon.

It was horrifying. You then, had not known yet that in a few moments you would be experiencing your worst nightmare.

That, your parents and siblings would be killed right in front of your teary eyes. That, you would become a slave of the Jeon Empire.

That, you would be standing here, waiting for the head servant to guide you. "Just like that, girls. Wait. The girl with blonde hair. Stop trembling so much. You shouldn't tremble like that when serving the emperor. You all need to be very careful and at your best behaviour for the ceremony, it has to be perfect, the emperor will be coming back from the war with victory, the whole empire will celebrate our great king Jeon and our victor!" Her tone went from chirpy to scolding in the blink of an eye. You heard the poor girl whimper softly. You couldn't help but feel angry, you were helpless. You'd wished he'd die in the war.

But nothing ever went your way. You closed your eyes, frustration and hatred was boiling inside your body. Why did it have to be you? Why did you have to survive, why didn't you just die?

"Hey, you, H/C girl. Look up." Now, it was your call. "You'll be the one who'll be attending to the emperor."

Your heart stopped as her words registered in your ears. Your eyes quickly looked up to her face, wide like an owls. "Me?" You couldn't believe this. Just when you thought all of this couldn't get worse. You watched the head roll her eyes at your question, oh no you couldn't. "Yes, you. What's your name, girl?" Her tone was dismissive. "Y-Y/N." You didn't want to do this. Your fists clenched together at the thought of being in the sand room as the cruel merciless monster.

You hated the King. He was the cause of your misery. He was the reason your family was dead, he was the reason you were stuck here, and the funny thing was you didn't even know what he looked like but you already hated him so much. If only you could kill him. "Y/N, now listen. You will be doing the evening work, you better start training." She was instructing you, "you're all dismissed! She hurried. "Go to your duties, you, H/C hair, come with me."

You wanted to cry. "Hurry, girl. I don't have all day! There is so much work still left to do!" Her harsh tone made you snap out of your thoughts, as you quickly followed behind her.
There was nothing you could do now, your destiny was sealed, forever.

 There was nothing you could do now, your destiny was sealed, forever

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