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The older woman was lost in her thoughts, the thoughts that plagued her mind distracted her enough to not notice the young man walking towards her, unnoticed by the lady, she was deep in thought, confusion and curiosity ran through her mind.

Why would the young king order such a weird command? Even though it was not her business, she couldn't help but feel intrigued.
What was the mystery around the king? She tapped in her chin, a harmless habit of hers as she stood in the courtroom, waiting and thinking hard.

"My lady, you called for me?" The older woman almost shuddered at the sudden deep voice, taking her aback. She however, quickly composed herself together and nodded at the young man that stood in front of her. "Yes," she spoke in a stern tone, looking at him. "Now that the king has returned.... We need to start preparing for his harem. Is your sister prepared for what's to come in the future?" The old lady, Mrs lee's tone indicated something serious.

The man smiled in response, knowing. "Yes my lady. It's Sana after all." Dongmin had a soft smile on his lips, his eyebrow slightly raised. "My sister will succeed. She can't fail our parents." He spoke in a calm tone. "We can't afford failing." Biting his lip, he watched the woman nod. "My sister will be the queen of the Kingdom." The sentence came out of his mouth in a determinant manner, his voice didn't waver, unlike how the lady expected,

She could only watch him. "Okay... tonight is very important for her then." Dongmin watched her confused, his eyebrow raised. The woman detected his confusion almost immediately, smiling lightly, "Tonight's the night." Exhaling a breath out she informed him, letting his confusion die but his face only twisted up more.

"I'm sorry my lady, I am unable to understand?" Dongmin felt clueless.
What was happening tonight? It was only confusing him more, the king hadn't discussed anything about tonight with him? Dongmin could almost scoff at how much the king only talked about you.

It was always you. Y/N this and Y/N that. It almost frustrated him but he has known the king for so many years. A special bond was formed between them as the time passed by. Dongmin respected the king greatly, there was not a war that he'd not accompanied the king along.

They were almost like brothers. The king confided in his dear friend. Dongmin knew just how great the king was. The man never lost a single war, accomplished so many lands, subcontinent's and countries to his name. He was respected and feared.

But could Dongmin really blame the ones who shivered at the thought of their ruler. ? The king was ruthless and unforgiving.

The bloody day couldn't be forgotten. Dongmin could still feel the blood that scattered around the bumpy roads of the capital.

The public execution of the killers of the late king and queen. It was a gruesome scene that the whole nation of busan was forced to watch, they were all forced to witness the horrifying scene of the then crown prince's pointy sword slice through the tortured bodies of the crying and screaming men.

He had slaughtered them himself, terrifyingly so. The blood splattered onto the imperial prince's face as he laughed like a maniac, cutting off their necks.

It terrified the whole kingdom. No one had ever seen the crown prince, not especially laughing maniacally like he did as the heads fell to the ground, as his shiny silver sword dripped with blood.

The king had become sadistic ever since then.
But that was only the beginning of something more bloody and sinister. The sound of the children and women screaming in fear and agony as they were also killed for their husbands and fathers crimes. It never left Dongmin's mind. The bloody scene made his eyes almost water.

They too, had to pay the heavy price.

But he was unable to stop the king.

"Are you listening, son?" It was like a snap of fingers as he snapped out of his flashbacks, blinking twice he apologised to the older woman who stared at him in confusion. "Please continue. Ma'am." He bowed to the woman in respect.

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