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All of the people present in the room watched the king grow restless as you fell unconscious into his arms, a few gasps were heard from them as the king quickly caught onto your body in his embrace as he scooped you into his arms, not caring about anything else, he felt like panicking because you suddenly passed out in front of him, Jungkook scooped your body as he could gripping onto it tight as he lifted you up bridal style. "CALL THE IMPERIAL PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY!" His deep voice boomed inside the huge hall. The other selected consorts watched with envy. The atmosphere of the room was heavy.

But no one dared to object. Na-Yeon was left stunned to wrap her head around anything.
All eyes were on the king who was starting to go fanatic. "IT IS A ROYAL COMMAND! SEEK THE PHYSICIAN AND BRING HIM TO MY CHAMBER IMMEDIATELY!"

The king did not wait for anything else as he turned back with you in his arms and left the hall. The people were left stunned, still present in the hall. The looks on their faces were a great mind of envy and confusion.
The sound of breathing was the only sound that could be heard in the room until, one of the consorts spoke.

"Looks like... we already know who's going to be the favourite one hmm?" Kim Si-Woo's tone was dripping with venom.

"L/N Y/N... yes I saw her on the arrival day... the king had even asked for her name..." the other one joined in. Sana, did not feel like chiming into their gossip as she was busy thinking about a severe issue.
That was you. "The king has liked her since, I think... I mean she was a servant! Not even of noble blood!" Her cruel laugh made everyone in the room gasp.

"Be careful with your words, young lady." Mrs lee walked towards the laughing woman, her stern voice made the gossip die down immediately. "Do not forget that you're talking about the chief consort." She crossed her arms, glaring at the young woman. "C-Chief?" That was a shocker for everyone, all of the attention in the room focused on the old woman.

"Ah yes... L/N Y/N of Gaegyeong has been chosen as the king's chief consort. Did you not see the king giving her the embroidered handkerchief himself?" She raised her eyebrow.

"W-What do you mean!" The panic in the young woman's voice was visible to every single one present in the room.

"Embroidered?" The others questioned in unison.

Saha was left stunned.
Kim Si-Woo's cruel laugh was long gone and replaced by panic.

"You all are a rank below her, so you'd better start showing her imperial grace respect. She's the closest to the king now." The older woman ignored the question, she needed to set the rules.

Just like how the king has commanded her to.
"Unless you want to be punished." She exhaled out.

"She's the chosen one, after all. And? She will be the legal wife to the imperial king soon." The words came out of her mouth so smoothly.
As if she'd known.

"W-What?" Came next the voice of Sana. All the girls turned their heads to look at the prettiest one present in the hall. The young woman did not care about the attention on her.
She only cared about what the older woman just said.

"My lady... what are you saying?" The blonde girl spoke in a silk tone, her sweet voice could seduce any man she'd wanted. She was sure to be polite, and not too eager.
She needed to fix all of this.

"What I'm saying is, my ladyship is that Y/N L/N has been chosen personally by the king to be his legal wife and chief consort. She will be the first to provide him with an heir. She was the king's choice." The Head of the court explained, "it was the great king's decision, no one can object."

In that moment, Sana's world crumbled before her eyes.

Jungkook wanted to set the whole world on fire. He sat right beside your laying body, his hand lingered on your forehead as the physician examined you.
Your fever was only increasing by the passing seconds, Jungkook wanted you to wake up.. panic was something he'd never felt, at least not in a long time.

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