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Your body jolted awake, your eyes opened, and the view of the giant roof of the unknown chamber was the first thing you saw, panic immediately took over your aching body as you remembered your nightmare. Your eyes frantically searched the room. Sweat running off on your skin.

It was huge and luxurious. Just like the one you just saw in your nightmare. Your heartbeat quickened at the realization.

You were in the Kings' Chamber. A sigh of disbelief left you as the memory came rushing back into your brain, the events that took place shouldn't have happened, your eyes looked around you as tears welled up in your tired orbs. Your life had taken a whole new turn, the one you weren't expecting.

The one you didn't want. No one was present in the room as far as you could see, the first instinct that came to you at that moment was to run.

You exhaled a shaky breath out, yes, you needed to run away.

This nightmare was a wakeup call for you, if you didn't want that reality, you needed to escape.

And this was the only opportunity you'd ever get.

You managed to support your body to sit up as you wiped your hot tears, your heartbeat was thumping, you stood up with shaky legs and your body felt abnormally hot, the heat radiating off of you was strong but the fear was too much for you to care about your physical health.

You needed to run away.

your eyes were heavy, it was hard for you to get up on your feet, but you finally managed to, "Y/N don't freak out... you can leave... no one's here... just a few steps.." you took a deep breath to calm your racing heart down.

The pounding in your heart made your skin crawl with fear. The room was awfully silent, you could hear your uneven breathing and thumping heartbeat.

It was weird how you were the only one in his room. Where was he? It was scary. You walked faster towards the huge door, stealing glances here and there.

Maybe the king was gone... you'd hoped.

You'd hoped that you won't be caught. The door was now right in front of you.

It was the door to your freedom... you were finally able to leave... with each step, your heart was beating with it. You carefully wrapped your hand around the wooden handle, pulling it.

Freedom was waiting for you outside... you closed your eyes and exhaled a deep breath. Your hand carefully pulled the door. Adrenaline rushed through your body as you pulled again at it with all your might,

But it didn't budge. Your eyes opened in disbelief as your heart churned at the realization. Horror settled in your veins, your hope was crushed in front of your eyes.

"Planning to leave me already? Sweetheart?"

A cold shiver went down to your spine. Goosebumps rose on your skin as your ears heard that deep rough voice. The voice that you'd heard in your worst nightmare, it was the voice of Jungkook.

Your hand froze on the handle, your heart stopped, he was right behind you.

"Hmm... I'm so disappointed, dove... already?" A large hand came to wrap around your waist from behind as he turned your body to the back, your mind screamed at you, but your body was still as it hit his chest.

"It's locked of course!" His eyes watched your face with intensity, there was a hint of giddiness in his rough voice.

You were left stunned at his confession.

"you're so beautiful... Come look me in the eyes." His hand grabbed onto your chin.

You wanted to die.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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