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Shadow p.o.v

The day started as normal, the feeling of dread washed over me as I got up from my bed. As I'm changing I keep on reminiscing about my family. My biological one, My father left us, we don't talk about my brother and sister (because what they had was just illegal), and my dad was there, he was always there. Depending on his mood, he would either be physical or sexual. Both I hated. The only reason I'm here is because he was caught. It was one of his sexual moods and he was trying to do something. The only thing I had was until someone came barging in and saw everything. After that I was up in a adoption center while he was put in jail. I luckily adopted quickly, by my other Father, who wanted nothing to do with me. How do I know? Because he gave me my own apartment and enough money to last me for five years!


I was over at my phone to see Rouge texting me.

Look, I know you said that you didn't wanna go, butttt if you do go. You can get accepted into colleges more easily! =D

'This bitch'

I don't want to go, even if I didn't want to go I don't have enough money to attend!

You can take the entrance exam! They were allowed you to go in free of charge if you're really smart, which I know you are ;)

Or, I can go to a public school. With no school uniform :\

Please, shadow. And I'm not just saying this so we can be in the same school together, I really just want you to have a bright future.




You will not regret this! I will send you the information where you can take the test, and they got a great music program! I know you'll like it ;))))

She keeps on sending me text about somethings that I would possibly like, after school clubs all that good stuff that I, couldn't care less about. She did end up telling me where the testing location will be and what times were available, I did take her 30 minutes thou...

Although, I think I made the right choice. I never seen her so happy, she keeps on sending me text, each with a 15 second gap. I will admit, brings me proud pleasure to see her happy, especially if I'm the cause of it. She's been through a lot and I don't wanna see her suffer anymore.

After an hour we decided that it's best if we both go to sleep, considering since it's 3 AM in the morning now. We said our good night as I went to sleep, thinking about the school and why it made her so happy that I was going to attend? I kept on thinking about that until I fell into a land of subconsciousness.


2:30, Emerald High, Saturday

"You may begin your test now" as soon as the test director said those following words, me and a few others flipped our pages to take the test before us. After an hour we were instructed to drop our pencils and turn in what we had finished. "Good Job, everyone!" The man said very happily " as you know not all of you will make it here, so this place ends up not to be the place for you. Do not be discouraged, keep on looking. You'll find high school that is suited for you, and when you do you will reach new heights that you would've never dreamed of achieving before" and just like that, we all left.

The test ended an hour before the scheduled time, so Rouge still thinks that I'm taking it. But Rouge isn't the only person who knows about this test, there's this single mother taking care of three children all by herself. Normally I would not communicate to anyone whatsoever, but she helped me when I was going through my abuse in middle school, and my depression. She didn't just help me, I'd like to say that I helped her too, in some way. Her kids were at school and if not, they were studying or being with friends. She has told me that she's happy for them, but sometimes, she wishes that she could be there with them.


I spent a few minutes there until I got a text message from Rouge. I said my goodbyes as I left to go read the message.

Did you finish?



They said that I would get my results by tomorrow.

You nervous?


Don't worry! You got this! I know you'll make it in! But just in case my words don't put you at ease, we can go to a restaurant of your choice. (I'll pay for half of your meal) ;)

Get your ass at McDonald's

829 words baby! >:D

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