Jealous fake

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Ryan's POV:
As I get dragged away with June into a ally "Stop!" I shout at June "What?" He responds as he stops "just cos you helped me back there it doesn't mean we are friends, I'm just pretending to be your friend because my you stupid self threatened to tell people I'm gay! And that's all got it!?" I tell him before going my separate way from him.


"So how's school going these days June?" Mum asks June as she takes a bite out of her chicken wing which was once a full, "Great! Ryan wants to come over tomorrow for dinner to meet you!" June happily responds with a huge smile on his face it made me feel like slapping it right off his ugly face "Oh really! I can't wait to meet him!" Mum response. She was treating him like her actual son like I wasn't her real one, she didn't even bother to even smile at me nor spare a glance either, it feels like a big chunk of my life just got stolen, "I really wish dad was here.." I quietly whisper but it's enough for mum to hear "Excuse me what did you say!" She slams her fork down on the table, I knew she was mad "s-sorry.." I say under my breath as I look down "What did I tell you about ever bringing him up around June! Don't you have any respect!! Is that what I taught you!" She yells at me. Mum seems really nice but is as spoiled as me, she gets angry easily and with that anything can piss her off.

"Mum.. he said he was sorry ok" June tries to stand up for me with a smile on his face but I knew for a fact he was hiding that greedy laugh, "No! He shouldn't have even brought him up! June was right maybe I shouldn't treat you like my son! Because that's not how my actual son would behave!" Mum yells at me with a loud tone that I've never heard before. I feel tears stream down my face before I look up at June "You'll regret this.." I mouth to him before picking up my plate and phone, then heading to my room upstairs in which I slam the door.

June's POV:

"Can you believe him! How disrespectful! June I apologize on the behalf of him, I know you don't like it when we mention Sans father's name around you.." Step-mum tries to explain after she's calmed down "It's's not your fault" I say with a weak smile before heading upstairs to my 'room' leaving mum behind at the dinner table. Once I arrived at Sans room I sigh and knock gently "San?" I slightly call his name but no response, maybe he was in the bathroom.

I open the door and enter the room to see a pale red eyed San crying on his bed, his room was..dark.."San?" I close the door behind me slowly walking towards Sans bed "Are you ok?" I ask looking down at him but he doesn't respond. I should probably leave him alone "June..Your going to regret ever being in my family.." San whispers avoiding eye contact with me. But I just walk out his room and head back to my room, 'why am I feeling like this? Did I actually pity him?' I think to myself as I enter my bed and sink into the sheets. I have a bad feeling about tomorrow.

The next day...
No one's POV:

June enters his first class as usual maths, but something was wrong. San and his friends weren't there? 'Were they skipping? Ditching? No they couldn't have, they said it themselves that they would bully me every chance they could?. I guess it's good right?' I was snapped out from my thoughts by A girl sitting next to me "Hi! I'm Rose! Nice to meet you!" The girl has a cute white Beenie and a soft drink in her hands which she takes a sip of.

 I guess it's good right?' I was snapped out from my thoughts by A girl sitting next to me "Hi! I'm Rose! Nice to meet you!" The girl has a cute white Beenie and a soft drink in her hands which she takes a sip of

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She puts her hand out, I look at her hand before laying my hand on. "Uh hi?" I respond hesitantly "Your June right? Sans Step-brother?" She asks I sigh ' Obviously she'd only know me for being San's step-brother' I think to myself "You might already know me!" She happily says but she makes the smile look forced "Uh? I don't think I do-" I get cut off when Ryan slams his fist on my table "Stay away moron!" He says glaring deadly in Rose's eyes but she only laughs "Do you know what rank I'm in, in this school!" She stands up fixing her short dark blue skirt and looks Ryan dead in the eye. I felt a shiver down my spine but why wasn't Ryan even moving "yeah I'm aware of that but it'd be better if you stuck to it and knew your place!" Ryan responded with a comeback as Rose gets just Shakes her head walking back to her own seat "who is she?" I ask but Ryan only stays quiet before he responds "Sans girlfriend". I jump out of my seat "WHAT!!!" I shout.

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