First IRL Hang Out

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Intro: Well here we are First time everyone will be hanging out in real life. lets hop in and see how this goes. Also one quick thing there is taking place after they finished the school day.

--- In front of the school---

Jesse: So are we ready to go see Danny boy at the lucky dice?

Everyone: Yeah 

Asuna: Does anyone have the address to the lucky dice?

Kirito I have it I can send it to Jesse 

Liz: Why only Jesse?

Jesse: Well I brought my car and Kirito has his motorcycle. So he can take Asuna and I can take you  and Silica. And before I forget did anyone text Kline and tell him to meet us there?

Liz: I texted him he won't be able to make it he is stuck at work I guess he is backed up on work

Silica: That sucks I really wanted the whole gang to be there. Maybe next time he can join us.

Asuna: Yeah next time hopeful he can

Kirito: alright lets go before it gets late

Jesse: You read my mind Kirito. Liz, Silica you ready to go?

Liz and Silica: Yeah lets go

--- At The Lucky Dice---

Kirito: Looks like we got here before the others

Asuna: Well we were on a motorcycle and there is a lot of traffic right now Kirito

Kirito: that is fair I guess we will just wait till they get here

---Danny Walks Out--- 

Danny: There you guys are were is everyone else

Asuna: they will be here soon traffic is bad right now

Danny: Oh ok  well would you guys like to come in and get something to drink?

Kirito and Asuna: Sure thanks 

---10 Mins later--- 

---Jesse, Liz, And Silica Walk In--- 

Liz: I told you, you passed the pub 

Jesse: I get it I read the map wrong jeez it was my bad at least we made it.

Silica: *giggles* At least you two are cute when you fight

Liz: *flicks Jesse's forehead* Well if would have listened we would have been here earlier

Jesse:  Ow *rubs his forehead* was that really called for?

Liz: Yes very much called for

Danny: Well now that you all are here wanna come inside?

Everyone: Yeah

Agil: Hey guys long time no see, How you been?

Kirito: We've been good just been going to school. What about you, how you been Agil?

Agil: Just keeping the shop running and with help of Danny things have been great

Danny: All I did was help advertise and clean tables

Asuna: Even the small things can help a huge amount Dan

Silica: She's right Danny you are doing an amazing job

Danny: Thanks guys

Liz: Hey Agil can we get a round of drinks please 

Agil:  so six teas or does someone want a soda?

Jesse:  I'll take a water please Agil

Agil: What you want a water that's not like you 

Liz: That's cause of me I'm making him drink three cups of water for every monster energy he drinks

Kirito: And how many has he had today?

Liz: I don't know *turns to Jesse* Jess love how many have you had?

Jesse: I plead the fifth 

Kirito: It can't be that bad right?

Liz: Before this agreement he was drinking about 18 a week. About 3 a day.

Asuna: *Turns to Jesse and smacks him behind the head* All of that with no water are you trying to die?

Jesse: *Rubbing his head* Ow, I wasn't trying to die but it was what I was use to back home

Silica: Back home? Don't you live in Japan?

Danny: Actually Both me and Jesse are from The U.S.A we came here for the beta testing.

Jesse: Yeah and back at my old school I would drink 3 a day through out school

Liz: So I'm making sure he drinks water so he doesn't die on me

Jesse: I told I'm not gonna die

Asuna: Well I'm happy its getting better

Kirito: So Jesse, Danny do you guys plan on going home when you can?

*Liz and Silica look at Danny and Jesse*

Jesse: I would like to go home cause my family is there.

*Liz looks down at her feet*

Jesse: But Liz is here *holds her hand* I can't just leave her alone I would miss her to much. Plus I had to leave the nest eventually right?

Danny: Same here Silica is here plus I've grown so use to talking Japanese that English feels weird to talk to even to Jesse 

Jesse: Danny got me there too it feels unnatural cause we all take in Japanese. Even talking to my mom on the phone in Spanish feels weird to me cause that language is never talked here by almost anyone.

Kirito: That's right your Hispanic right Jesse?

Liz: He is Hispanic, Aztec, German, American and something else I forgot

Asuna: Liz how do you know that?

Jesse: Simple I told her

Silica: And why did you tell here?

Liz: Cause I asked and was curious

Outro: Finally finished this chapter of the story. I promise to try and keep updating this book but for now this is Jesse logging off till next time

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