The untold story

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Intro: How do I begin this chapter I guess I should start with this will not be a truth or dare part but one should be out soon hopefully. So anyways this is going to be a story I wanted to put on here for a while but I didn't know how to or when to put it but after the last chapter I think, so anyways I hope you enjoy and if you do please vote and comment it means a lot to me if you do. sorry for the ramble on to the story.

Jesse; *wakes up* what time is it? Guess I should get up and wait for Liz.

--- 3 hours pass---

Liz:*slowly wakes up and yawns* w-what time is it?

Jesse: Its just about 5 in the morning

Liz:*looks at Jesse* JESSE YOU'RE ALIVE!!!!

Jesse:Yes last time I checked I was

Liz:*Runs and hugs him* Where in the hell have you been and why did you delete me off your friends list?

Jesse:Because I wanted to get any from everyone and thing my mind has been fucking with me and I didn't want anyone to know but, I thought it was time for someone to know whats going on with me.

Liz:Can we take this to the pub its getting stuffy in here?

Jesse:Yeah we can I think everyone is waiting for you

---Out at the pub---

Liz:Oh Kirito and Asuna what are you guys doing here so early?

Asuna: we wanted to check on you how are you doing?

Liz:I'm ok

Kirito:Thats good

---Jesse walks out---

Jesse:Ummm H-Hey guys

Asuna & Kirito:JESSE!

Jesse:Hey long time no see how have you been?

Asuna:*walks over and smacks Jesse* where the hell have you been you had us worried sick and you even made Liz cry

Jesse: Oww *Rubs his cheek* I know I was going to apologize but then you slapped me

Liz:Jesse are you ok?

Jesse:Yeah I'm fine anyways Liz, Kirito, Asuna I want to apologize for disappearing like I did it wasn't right of me to just leave everyone in the dark like I did please forgive me

Liz:I forgive you Jesse just please don't scare us like that again because Asuna will kill you.

Asuna:I forgive you but Liz is right if you ever make her cry like that again I will end you.

Kirito:Asuna relax please and Jesse I forgive you but what made you want to do that in the first place

Jesse:Its because I wasn't mentally stable so I wanted to disappear till I can fix my fucked up brain but then I thought the only way to fix it was to tell people I trust how I got this fucked up and its a long story so buckle up.

*Liz, Asuna &, Kirito sit at a table*

Liz:we're listening

*Authors note*: this story will not have character's names to the side this will be a very different type of story telling thank you for understanding*

It happened when Sword Art first came out, Me and a bunch of my friends got a copy and hoped in as soon as we could making a guild and leveling up together. When we got told we were trapped here and if we died in game we died IRL we made it our mission to level up as much as possible and try to get out. Some of us didn't get to luck and I lost 5 friends in the first two weeks, within the first 3 months I lost 12 out of my 35 friends and guild mates. I was so scared of losing my friends and the love of my life that I decided to push myself as hard as I could, I stopped sleeping and I would spend every hour in the day just so I could protect them. I did everything I could and it worked I was able to protect them and help them. Till one fetal day we had been in here for close to a year and a half and we went into the labyrinth heading to a deeper part when we got ambushed by mobs I saw the love of my life die in front of me I saw my childhood friends die in front of me in all of my guild only 5 including me members survived. And every night after I can't close my eyes with out seeing her die and the last words she ever said to me "I will always love you" ever sence then my mind has been fucking with me telling me I can never protect anyone. That I'm not strong enough to protect anyone, that I'm a failure and, that I should have died not her. That I should have tried harder to protect her but I didn't and now she is dead. All of my time leveling and all my time not sleeping or eating was for nothing. So when my brain started say that again I couldn't handle it and decided I needed to get away from everyone that I needed to be alone because I'm broken and my mind will never be the same.

Jesse:And that's why I did it because I deserve to be alone. *starts to cry* because I couldn't protect the ones I cared about, that's why I did it

Liz:*Walks up and hugs Jesse tightly* Jesse Im so sorry

Asuna:Jesse I'm sorry you had to go through that but you can't beat yourself up for that is was out of your control


Outro:sorry for the abrupt ending but I thought it was a good place to end it sorry for the cliff hanger so anyway this is Jesse signing off for now bye

P.S. if you liked this story please recommend it to others and if you feel like I should change anything tell me in the comments I all was read them and I would love to see what you all say      

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