How about it?

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Intro:Sorry I coudn't think of a good title hopefuly I can think of one later this part was made by my friend her name is Brenda she helped me make it so I hope you like it well lets get started

Jesse:*Wakes up*Huh where am I?

???:Are you up?

Jesse:Huh who is that?

???:Jesse are you ok?I saw you in the Laberith I told you not to go in there alone

Jesse:*Sits up*Oh now I know where I am

???:You ok did you hit your head again?

Jesse:That was a one time thing Brenda

Brenda:Haha I know relax no need to get mad

Jesse:*sighs* so how long was I out for ?

Brenda:About I saw 45 mins to 1 hour I say

Jesse:Ok thanks Brenda I'm gonna go now

Brenda:*Grabs Jesse by hand*No you are not you are laying back down and sleeping

Jesse:But I need to go and get stronger

Brenda:Still you need sleep plus your solo you need to join a guild to help you out when you need it

Jesse you know I'm not good with guilds Brenda

Brenda:I know but come you cant keep going by yourself

Jesse:I know but I don't want to join *Yawns*another guild

Brenda:Why not join my guild?

Jesse:What level are you guys?

Brenda:Around 58 to 65 I say

Jesse:Hmm *Wispers*Not to high I need a team around 70 to 79

Brenda:I can hear you I hope you know that

Jesse:Crap sorry Brenda

Brenda:*Sigh*Jesse what am I going to do with you sometimes your fun other times your to serious for my liking

Jesse:well this is how I am

Brenda:I know but still why did I like you?

Jesse:Because I was like this I knew when to be fun arond you but when shit hit the fan I knew how to act serious

Brenda:I was kidding Jesse and thats another thing you take things to serious its good when in a relationship but stil you take alot of things seriously

Jesee:Hey I'm not changing that about me its because I take things seriously thats how I am

Brenda:I know I know but still just think do you ever wounder what it would be like to not take things so seriously?





Jesse:Well I got to go I have friends waiting for me

Brenda:I'll show you out

Jesse:Thanks but I got it

Brenda:You sure you still look a little weak

Jesse:Yeah Im fine

---At The Front Door---

Jesse:Thanks for everything

Brenda:No problem Jesse

Jesse:*Hugs Brenda*I'll see you later ok?

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