What is going on here

36 0 4

Intro:Well I'm back and here is a new part sorry for the lack of chapters and lack of story Its been hard because Brenda had to take a break for a while she will be back  back soon she just needed time to think and to relax she has been trying to work on this herself and I'm glad she tried so I'll let her relax anyways back to the story and its gonna be where I left off last time now lets get back into it

Liz:*Turns to Luna*Luna you coming?

Luna:Huh...um..what uh y-yeah in a bit I wanna stay here for a bit is that ok Brenda?

Brenda:Yeah thats fine Luna just make sure to close the door when you leave

Luna:Got it thanks

*Everyone walks out*

Brenda:Thanks for coming it means a lot

Kirito:Its nothing were happy he is ok

Brenda:Crap I forgot to get food I have to go sorry

Asuna:Its fine

Brenda:Thank you bye


* In Jesse's room*

Luna:*Touches Jesse's forehead* Still warm


Luna:*Smiles* You always like to push yourself huh Jess?

*Jesse moves around from a nightmare*

Luna:Jesse you ok?

Jesse:*Wakes up screaming* AHH!!!!!

Luna:Jesse *Hugs Him* its ok you're ok

Jesse:Let her go!!!

Luna:*Hugs him tighter*Jesse its ok Im here

Jesse:*Pants* W-where am i

Luna:You're in your room

Jesse:When did I get here 

Luna:I dont know  ask Brenda when  she gets back

Jesse:Where is Brenda?

Luna:She went out its just a little bit ago

Jesse:Oh ok

*3 Hours Later*

---Brenda Walks in---

Brenda:Im home 

Jesse:Welcome home

*Brenda rubs up to Jesse's room*

Brenda:Jesse you awake 

Jesse:Yeah I'm up

Brenda:Whats going on?

*Luna and Jesse are in bed together*



Brenda:Why is she in your bed

Jesse:*looks at Luna then at Brenda* Oh she fell asleep when I went to go eat and when I came back she dragged me back into the bed

Brenda:So you Just stayed there

Jesse:I was kinda stuck for a bit 

Luna:*Wakes up* Huh what happened whats going on

Brenda:Why are you in bed with Jesse

Luna:What *looks at Jesse and blushes* W-When did this 

Jesse:You pulled me in here dont you remember

Outro:well that happened sorry this isnt a truth or dare part more I will be writing more when get the time just been busy and overwhelmed well anyways this is Jesse logging out for now

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