Where has Jesse been

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Intro:Hey Im back finally after the long wait for the chapter to come out its here so sorry again for the wait but im out of summer school and my ROP is almost out so hopefully Ill be be writing more so anyway lets get back into the story.

---At the Pub---

Agil:Hey Kirito I have a question for you

Kirito:Yeah what is it?

Agil:Well its just that I havent seen Jesse or Danny in a while you know if they are ok?

Kirito:Well let me see *Opens menu to friends list* hmm looks like Danny and Silica are coming soon

*Danny and Silica walk in*

Danny:Hey where is everyone?

Kirito: Well Asuna is with Liz getting her gear fixed and I havent seen Jesse in like 2-3 weeks

Silica:Why dont we go ask Brenda she might know where he is

Danny:Good idea Ba... I mean Silica *Bright red out of embarisment*

Silica:*Blushing* Thank you Danny

Kirito:Yeah good idea lets go to Brenda's house

Agil:Two questions do you know where her house is and didnt you guys add him to your friends list

*Luna walks in*

Luna:Who are you guys talking about?

Silica:Do you know where Jesse is Luna?

Luna:Jesse? Hmm let me think last I saw him we went leveling together but that was about maybe 3-4 months ago why?

kirito:Well he havent seen him in a while and we just want to know where he is

Luna:I can take you to Brenda's house she shouldnt be to far from here

Kirito:If you can that would be great

Luna:Yeah no problem lets go

---At Brenda's house---

Luna:here we are

Silica:this is where Jesse Lives?

Luna:Yeah *Walks up and knocks on the door*

Brenda:*Opens door* Oh Hi Luna *Looks over* Hey guys whats going on?

Kirito:Do you know where Jesse is?

Brenda:Yes come in

*Everyone walks in*

Danny:How are you Brenda?

Brenda:Im fine

Agil:Where is Jesse anyways

Brenda:Follow me

Silica:Lets go guys

*Everyone walks to Jesse's room*


Brenda:There he is he has been like that for about 2 weeks

Liz:*Walks to Jesse* Is he ok

Brenda:Yeah I have been checking on him everyday his breathing is ok and he still online I think the lack of sleep finally caught up to him.

Kirito;Has anyone else came to vist

Brenda:No not really 

Danny:Well we know he is ok

Asuna:Yeah sorry to bother you Brenda

Brenda:Its fine Im happy his friends come to see him

Kline:Lets go guys thanks for letting us in

Brenda:Its no problem

*Everyone but Luna leaves the room*

Liz:*Turns to Luna*Luna you coming?

Luna:Huh...um..what uh y-yeah in a bit I wanna stay here for a bit is that ok Brenda?

 Brenda:Yeah thats fine Luna just make sure to close the door when you leave

Luna:Got it thanks 

*Everyone walks out*

Brenda:Thanks for coming it means a lot

 Kirito:Its nothing were happy he is ok

Brenda:Crap I forgot to get food I have to go sorry

Asuna:Its fine 

Brenda:Thank you bye 


Kline:well we know he is ok and now time to go home because *Yawns* Im sleepy


Outro:Well finally another part done after the long wait Im sorry but i should be able to post more soon so wait for that and Im gonna have a few more characters in the book coming really soon so stay for that and Ill tell you what happens in Jesse's room in the next chapter and ways this is Jesse logging out for now 

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