Is Jesse going to be OK?

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Intro:Sorry this took so long to come out finals were a pain in the ass but Im on break so I will try to make more parts so anyways, lets hope into the story and see if Jesse will be ok

Silica:Hey Brenda I have a question for you

Brenda:Yeah what is it silica?

Silica:Do you think Jesse is gonna be ok?

Brenda:I know Jesse he can take pain but up to a point but I dont know I hope he will be ok

---Mean While With Jesse---

Jacob:Come on Jesse just give in you can keep up this act

Jesse:Then you must not know me I dont care what you put me through as long as I have hope I can put up with what ever you have

Jacob:Jesse you think your so great just because you think your strong but your not strong you are weak. You are nothing so just give up, your friends aren't coming to save you so just give in!


----With the Group---

Asuna:Anyone have any  clues on where Jesse can be?





Asuna:Me ether wait, wheres Danny?

 Silica:He said he was gong to look around a bit more

*Danny Walks In to room*

Danny:Hey guys I think I have a lead


Danny:Hey wheres Liz?

Silica:I thought she was with you

Danny:No. Wait let me message her

*3 Minutes later*

Danny:Ok looks like she want to ask more people. So anyways I was talking to some people near a pub asking of they have seen Jesse and I described him and they said that they think they someone who looks like Jesse with a bag over his head being moved into a inn not to far from here

Kirito:Thats great lets move

---At the inn---

Danny:This is the place

Liz:It looks really run down are you sure this is the place Danny?

Danny:Yeah it is

Asuna:I hope your right Danny

Brenda:Lets go

Kirito:Danny you take the lead sense you have a higher hearing level so you can hear in the rooms right?

Danny:Yeah I can lets gpo

*10 Minutes of walking later*

Danny:This is the room

Klien:Are you sure?

Danny:Yeah I can hear Jesse is there

Liz:Here let me knock *Knocks on door*

---Other side---

Jacob:Huh who is it?

Liz:Umm Im lost ca you help me please?

Jacob:One second I'll be right out


*Jacob opens door*

Jacob:Yes little lady

*Danny rams door*

Klien:Its Jesse!

Jacob:Crap its his friends

Brenda:Jacob why did you do this to Jesse

*Asuna and Liz run to Jesse and untie him*

Asuna:Are you ok?

Jesse:Could be better but Im good

*Tries to stand and falls*

Liz:Here let me help your still hurt 

Jacob:So you found me Bravo great job

Brenda:Why Jacob why did you do this?

Jacob:Because this should have belong to me the fame of being a beta-tester, the amazing friends, your love but no it got taken from me by Him it should have been mine

Brenda:Look Jacob just because things didn't go your way doesn't mean that Jesse took it away. I liked Jesse because he was kind, sweet ,innocent ,and childish while you were serious ,up tight ,and mean some times I fell for Jesse because he made me feel like I was loved

Jacob:i could have given you that if you gave me a chance

Kirito:Look Jacob i dont know you like Jesse or Brenda But what you are going isn't right

Jacob:And you know how I feel huh?

Asuna:He never said that what he said is he doesn't know you that well but he know that what you did to Jesse wasn't right

Klien:Give me one reason why I should bring you to the jail right now or chop you down

Jesse:Klien back off of him

Klien:But Jesse

Jesse:Its fine he did this because of me

Danny:I already messaged the front line guards their on there way now should be just a few minutes 

Jesse:Look Jacob i dont know why your mad at me for all of things I had but Im sorry I know you wanted them just as bad as I did and I didn't help you and Im sorry

Liz:Over here guys the criminal is in this room

Jesse:Looks like the guards are here Jacob no where left to go just turn yourself in

Guard #1:Come with us and no one gets hurt

Guard #2:We got it from here you take him somewhere safe and see if he is ok

Everyone:Got it

---At Agils Pub---

Brenda:Are you sure your ok?

Jesse:Yeah Im fi... *Falls unconscious*


Outro:And finally another part done sorry this took so long I've been very busy and Marry Christmas to everyone and a happy new years Im on winter break right now so I will try to make more parts I hope you all enjoy this and Im sorry for kind of steering away from the truth or dare part of this but I will bring them back I just felt like this needed to be in to make it feel a bit more lively in a way so anyways leave a comment to see if Jesse is ok and I didn't put this in the chapter but Jesse has been kidnapped for about a week and a half and if you want to be part of this book just message me and I'll see if I can add you any ways this is Jesse logging out for now

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