Chapter 23- An Over-the-Top Tale

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"-it stomped around, nearly twenty-no, thirty feet high, its mechanical arms dangling from side to side, an undead machinery conjured by the nightmarish plains of a darker realm. Suddenly it reared its head, a screech, a horror of which made the skins of my companion's crawl and even my own. Without a warning, in a blink of an eye the creature summoned its malevolent underlings and in a matter of seconds we were surrounded-"

She stood on top of a desk, starring down at the guards, approximately twenty or so of them, and a few others whose gaze peaked from the corner of the door, most of them jaw wide open, eyes locked and figure frozen in place. She was retelling an exaggerated and dramatic telling of her fight in the forest. Originally, all the guard wanted to know was a few basic questions, such as the current state of Itsu Village, if there were any casualties, were the monsters no longer a threat, who was responsible for such an attack? It was obvious that a lot of the answer to these questions would simply serve to incriminate Hiromichi further. Although it was true that it was all primarily his fault, and she did not hold back letting them know that, she still wanted some leniency when it came to his judgement.

"-the numbers were easily a hundred-to-one, my sheer strength alone could best serve to keep the giant creature at bay, was it not for the Wild Beast Tamer of the North, despite his atrocious crimes, the others might have found themselves at the edge of the vile undeads blade. He fought valiantly, fist to bone, every punch a symbol of his atonement. Perhaps no one else fought harder at the time to show their true colors than that man-" Kami's voice giving of a dramatic flair, an infliction of great woe and aspiration as she raised her hand towards her chest and the other towards the air.

She would do the best she could to at least make sure he did not get a harsh punishment, like a death sentence or something of the sort. How long had she gone on rambling like some sort of bard at a tavern telling the story of a great adventurer? She was no good at it from her point but everyone around her seemed entranced.

"-I cannot lie, my hatred and reservations towards him faltered at the moment, and even now I am compelled to speak for his behalf in this retelling, should he go unpunished for his misdeeds, I do not think so, but should a good deed go unrewarded? I beseech you to consider this when you spread the word of his capture. My tale ends here, with a lesson to you, my public, perhaps an enemy is but a friend whose story is yet to be heard, an enemy I can happily call, my friend."

She swung her arms downwards bowing as low as possible and lightly lowering her knees. She waited past the silence before a number of calls and cheers followed short. The guards seemed to have at least been entertained by her bardic tale, was it the flair or over the top storytelling?

Either way she jumped down from the table and raised her head with a bright smile on her face. "Thank you, thank you, muah~!"

The guards cheered louder at this and a few of them stood up with enthusiasm.

"I've never heard anyone tell a story quite like that!"

"It was a impressive, was it not?"

"I heard of them, bards, right? They tell stories with such an over-the-top style, perhaps she is a bard?"

"Lovely, simply lovely!"

'Over-the-top, that's probably likely it.'

She thought back on some of the work that had been definitely written over the top in other universes, a particular book came to mind, one that mortals who knew of her existence tended to write with such a feel. No matter the version, it was always flashy and extreme.

One of the guards approached, one she recognized, it was the one that had been asking questions before she completely derailed the interrogation.

"Trave-" he cleared his throat and spoke softly "-Miss Kami, thank you for telling us this story with such vigor, we're sorry for holding you back for so long, here." he raised his arm revealing a scroll. "This notary is done and you can be sure that your words today will reflect a positive response from some of our man about this Wild Beast Tamer of the North. Although I do not believe our words will be of much great influence for his sentence, while he is imprisoned at least we will provide fairly for his meals and comfort."

She held back a disgruntled groan realizing that of course, foot soldiers would probably not have much effect on something that might take place in a sentencing, her efforts had been for nothing.

'At least they'll make his stay somewhat enjoyable, I'll have to figure something else later.'

"Thank you, exactly where do I take this?" she asked changing the subject.

"Oh! You're new to the city correct? Hmmm, we could have a guard escort you to our guardhouse, it's a temporary place for our ledgers while we have a new building constructed that will deal with such matters."

A few of the guards seemed eager as the overheard that she would need an escort.

"Again, thank you."

"If I may suggest something."


"You said you were a mage, and considering you captured the Wild Beast Tamer of the North, you must be a proficient one. There's a few other locations you might find to your liking."


"The Adventurer's Guild for one, with your strength you should easily be able to make one of their ranks, it's a good way to provide some gold as well as make a name for yourself if that's something you're interested in."

An Adventurer's Guild? That sounded fun, it was always a default place for RPGs, kind of like a HUD world to get quests and get rewards for better gear and items in video games. That was definitely something she was interested in.

"Also, the Mages Guild, its not quite big or lucrative here in the capital as the Adventurer's Guild, since their primary focus is mostly the study of magic than the practice on the field, but you might learn something if you check it out."

Another interesting location, there was bound to be some new spells or mechanics she could learn at this place. She was after all planning to be a mage, what better place to check out than somewhere where they study magic?

"I owe you a lot." she simply replied.

"Of course, please feel free to call on us if you need any further help, I am Ruvinenius, if you must know."

"I'm sorry, it was rude of me not to ask for your name."

The guard laughed, and shook his head. "Understandable, I am but a faceless guard, my duty calls for such a thing, I do not mind, I'll have one of the men take you wherever you wish to visit, consider this a sort of payment for your time."

Kami bowed once more and gave her thanks. She couldn't lie, the prospect of visiting these two locations was scratching at her more than catching up with the others or going and claiming her bounty.

'They'll understand, right? Besides it's a beautiful day, what's the worst that could happen?' 

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